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1 year Later

------------- Shelby's POV-----------

Did you ever love something or someone so much that you can't live without them and when there gone you don't know what to do with your life anymore and everything is ruined well Directioners its your day today

Right now the boys are backstage getting ready for their last concert yep its the end of one direction and later its going to be five direction OK I shouldn't have made a joke out of that I'm sorry

so let's see what's going on with the boys so it's been a few years since Zayn and Alma broke up but both of them found someone new. Alma is now engaged with Niall , while Zayn found a girl named Perrie Edwards I heard that she's in a girl band called little mix and they've been dating for maybe 2 months now

Liam and Sophia are already married and there going to have a baby boy soon Omg I'm so excited

Next Louis well he's also engaged to Eleanor and there wedding is 2 months away

"How do I look Shelby" harry asked me for the fifth time

" Harry how many times do I have to tell you you look fine now get out there the fans are waiting" I yelled

"OK OK I'm going I love you Shelby" he said giving me a quick kiss

" love you too" I whispered

He smiled and all five boys ran out onto the stage

I quickly went to my place in the front row while they started singing

The concert went on as the crowd screamed and cried with excitement
Finally it was time for the last song and it was Irresistible

But instead of starting the song Harry ran towards the security guard and whispered something in his ear and went back to the boys while liam brought out a black chair

While I was watching them i didn't notice two giant guards coming towards me I took a step back while everyone around me was staring at me like I was a murderer

The to guards told me to come with them but I denied by then they threw me over there shoulders and took me to where ever they wanted to

Finally they stopped by the stage where Harry stood there with a grin

" Harry what's going on " I asked while being slightly scared

" Its OK trust me babe everything is going to be fine take my hand and come with me" he said in a gentel voice

He took my hand into his and pulled me towards the stage


"Harry no stop I'm not going out there harry stop!!!!!" I yelled/whispered

" Shelby its OK I'm going to be right next to you I promise " he said

So he finally took me up to the stage in front of thousands of people
so....... many....... people

Harry told me to sit in the chair so I did

" Alright Guys so this is my beautiful girlfriend Shelby Mendez and we're going to sing her a song" harry said while the crowd cheered with joy while a few booed but I just ignored them

They started sing irresistible and I started feeling really uncomfortable
But harry came close to me and started singing to me making me blush

Finally the song ended and Harry walked over to me

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