Chapter 17 Brandon

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---------- Shelby's POV-------

My phone buzzed and I got up from my comfy bed and got from my nightstand I looked at who texted me and it was Brandon.

B: * hey Shelby what's up*

S: * not much why*

B: * I was wondering if you could come to Starbucks with me today*

Hmm well I'm not doing anything today so I could go with him

S: * sure :) I'll meet you there in an hour*

B: * cool see ya there bye*

I got up from the bed and got something to wear cause right now I was only wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants

I walked over to my closet and picked out a dark blue skinny jeans and a green shirt

And walked downstairs seeing the boys and that thing called Regina

She was sitting on Harry's lap playing with his hair and giggling at something

I rolled my eyes and headed for the front door

Yes I am angry and I know I'm dating Brandon but I think I still have feelings for Harry I can't stop it when ever I see Regina and Harry together my heart breaks

I don't get why would Harry like her there is nothing to like about her she shows off her body way too much and wears lots of makeup but her attitude thats just disgusting and can't he see that the boys don't like her I don't like her Alma and Eleanor don't like her nobody likes her why can't Harry see that is it that hard

I opened the door and walked outside but was stopped by Harry

" hey Shelby where are you going " he asked looking at me

" why would you care you don't need to know" I said angrily

But I soon regretted saying that as those words left my mouth his smile faded away and was replaced by sadness

How could I say that to him nice job Harry I just hurt the love of my life wait no I like Brandon

I looked away and closed the door behind me and walked to Starbucks I already saw Brandon their waiting for me

I walked over to him and smiled

" there you are I thought you wouldn't come" he said laughing

He got up and kissed me I heard that if you love someone a lot you could feel sparks and fireworks but I didn't feel anything and other then that it felt weird kissing him.

We pulled away and sat down and talked for a while until I asked him if he wants to meet the boys he already met Alma at the theater and I think iys time to meet the lads

He held my hands and we walked together back to the boys house

We walked in and everyone's attention was at us

" hey guys um this is my boyfriend Brandon Brandon this is zayn harry Niall liam harry and that's Regina " I said introducing him to the lads and her

" no way you guys are one direction aren't you " he said

The boys laughed and nodded

" Shelby how do you know them " he asked

" I knew one of them since I was little and they invited me to come here to visit them " I said smiling at him

We sat down and the boys were talking to Brandon except for Harry who was just sitting there glaring at Brandon

What's up with him

I looked over at Regina remember at the mall when we had that fight and she said that I'll never get a boyfriend well I did

She was shocked and looked at me and I smirked and she gave me a dirty look and looked away.

The day went by pretty slowly soon when it got dark Brandon said he had to go and so did Regina and they left.


Omg I'm so so sorry I know this is a boring chapter probably the most boring one I wrote so far and yeah its short too but I'll make the next one long and more exciting and guess what I'll give you a hint: lots of drama ;) can't wait until you read it alright bye love you

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