Business Smile

448 20 2

words: 1281
description: its a business smile, this smile? is only for you~


Seung Tak has been very happy that professor Cha has waked up after months of laying down on a coma, he is more happier to know that the older remembered him.

he only has one problem right now, ever since he wakes up Young Min has changed a lot well because of him. he is still the old Young Min but he is now kinda different than the past years.

everytime they go to work, Seung Tak always greets people by smiling at them. but this time he still smiled at them but not much of how he used too.

he and Young Min are always together even if going in and out of the hospital, Young Min who was usually not smiling at people greeting them it only takes him months of coma to do it.

now every time they go in and out of the hospital Young Min always smiled at people around him, it was normal but sometimes Seung Tak was just not having it.

he doesnt know why but seeing him smile that wide with others was just disappointing to him, because. theyre in a secret relationship and in work he never smiled at him like that.

he is always serious about it, they're good at hiding but sometimes when Seung Tak was being stubborn and want some attention from the professor he would rush on his room to talk with him.

he smiled at him but not that wide so Seung Tak was being sulky.

Seung Tak was now alone on the cafeteria stabbing his rice with his chopsticks, he has no appetite because its been stressful but he needs to eat or else his older sibling will kill him.

he takes a sip on his iced coffee and try to stand up on his seat and someone sat down, it was Seon Ho and Jae Won.

"ya! you dont finish your food and youre leaving. sit down or i will tell on you" Jae Won literally threatened him so he have to even though he dont want too.

"you seem depressed, whats up? " Seon Ho asked him taking a sip on his water.

Seung Tak played with his food resting his chin on his palms sighs and shook his head, "nothing its just stressful today".

" oh yeah, this is the only day i actually have lots of work! i want to... " Seung Tak zones out and completely forgot what theyre talking about but he just stared at them still leaving his food untouched.

meanwhile on Young Min's office, he sat there on his office with bunch of paper works on his desk. he was focused on it and he has his glasses back on.

he sighs and removed his glasses stretching on his chair, he decided to take a bit of rest since he has been there for hours. he opened his phone to look at the time he chuckled to what he saw.

his wallpaper is him and Seung Tak, well he stole his phone and takes their very first picture when Young Min woke up from the coma. the picture was taken when Young Min was recovering on the VIP room.

he turn off his phone, the younger was also acting strange whenever he tried to talk to him he was somewhat quiet and answer in short sentences. something was definitely wrong with him.

he shook his head and tried focusing on his work again, he will go out and talk with Seung Tak later.


Seung Tak didnt really leave the hospital too much, he always stays on the on-call room so its easier for people to reach him out.

Seung Tak was there laying on his bed all of his body covered and facing the wall not bothering to look at the door on whoever is gonna go in, he was kinda roommates with Jae Won so it will be him.

he heard the door opened, he was guessing its Jae Won at this hour he will always ask him for something or help so he will pretend to sleep he scoff quietly and closed his eyes shut.

"Tak? " the voice was not Jae Won, its from Cha Young Min.

the man he was ignoring and avoiding for the whole shift, so maybe he was here to talk about it so Seung Tak grew nervous about it.

"hes sleeping" he tried saying, he was laughing at himself.

"not funny Tak sit up i wanna talk about something" Young Min said, Seung Tak kicked the air and sits up with a frown on his face.

Young Min chuckled at his childish acts and how he look cute with that, he sat beside him and Seung Tak looks at the opposite way of him.

"Tak? whats the matter? you have been ignoring me for the whole day" Young Min asked.

instead of answering, Seung Tak has a notebook below his pillow he gets it and write something. Young Min looked at him confused.

you upset me >:(

is what he wrote, he crossed his arms and glared at Young Min, the older didnt really know ehat he did cause Seung Tak yesterday was noisy and cuddly on him but it suddenly changed.

Young Min just grabs his arms and hugs his side, Seung Tak didnt move and still crossed his arms.

"what did i do? i will make up for it" Young Min cooed.

and once again Seung Tak write something.


"come onnn! i want to make you feel better you havent gone into my office to give hugs" Young Min said and pout his lips and looks at Seung Tak.

Seung Tak was surprised to have his face close to his so he moved backwards for a little and write something again.

is smile necessary really?

"smile? whats wrong? " Young Min asked.

youve been smiling so wide to other people and not me. >:(

Seung Tak looked on the wall leaving Young Min looking at him, he giggled of how Seung Tak was upset just because he smiled to others.

he hugged him from behind and caressed his hair.

"come on are you upset cause of that? " Young Min asked which he answered by nodding.

Young Min moved Seung Tak so he was facing him, he holds his cheeks.

"well this smile, " Young Min smiled and it looks likes how he smiled greeting people. "is business smile".

"business smile? " Seung Tak asked.

"kinda like a fake smile but business smile for work so you get a good impression" Young Min and chuckled a bit.

Seung Tak was still not fine and of course Young Min notices it so he moves Seung Tak's face up to look at his eyes.

"and this smile, " Young Min started and smile so widely he has never seen it and its more lively than his smile to other. "is only for you~".

Seung Tak face was normal but redness climb up to his face and covered his face because of it. Young Min chuckled and hugs him tighter.

"dear dear now dont be upset you know i love you" Young Min tried comforting him. it seems to work since Seung Tak hugs him back.

Young Min gave him a quick peck on his lips, it was not enough for Seung Tak so he kissed him again and suddenly the door burst open.

"hey man can you- uh" Jae Won stopped halfway, he saw Seung Tak and Young Min just kissed right now.

"uhhh what" Seung Tak asked.

"you know what? i will just get help with Seon Ho to talk about thi- i mean something so carry on" Jae Won said and closed the door.


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