Love Songs

310 13 1

words: 1770
description: Seung Tak was confuse why Young Min always listened to love songs, finding put about it only makes him leave.


months have passed, Young Min recover from his coma. everyone is happy about his recovery, except for one. instead of being happy, he is disappointed, he forgot what will happen when a coma ghost wakes up.

he thought he was playing a prank on him about him not remembering at all.. he didnt remember anything they did at all. he was upset and disappointed he was trying to accept the fact that in Young Min's eyes he will be always that brat who has shitty hands.

he wanted to show the video but he was hesitating, he knows he will not believe him so easily it wont be easy at all. instead of showing him the video, he deleted it permanently.

the whole month, he was spacing out in work he was not the same Seung Tak everyone know, he was just quiet he aint talking like he used to.

and its a pain for both Jae Won's and Seon Ho's ears not hearing him speak a single word.

right now, in the cafeteria, theyre pure silent. theyre watching Seung Tak as he stabs his rice with his chopsticks, his chin resting on his palms with the usual dead expression on his face.

its been happening on god knows how long, Seung Tak wont tell them anything at all theyre worried of course. they wanted to know why their friend was acting this way, it started when Young Min wokes up.

but isnt he happy about it? is he disappointed he always works his ass off? but theyre close when he is still a coma ghost. but they should be close until now, they can't stop thinking about the possible way of why their friend is upset.

whenever they ask or tell him about anything, he will just respond with 'ok' 'huh' 'no' or will just humm. and its concerning since he keeps replaying the song オレンジ (orange) in his earphones.

it was night time, Seung Tak has no plan on going out to go home he was lazy to go so as always he was here inside the on-call room, but its different since Jae Won said he will be going home.

he doesn't know why but he dont wanna know. he didnt say anything but just nods slowly, leaving the room staring at it inhaling deep breaths and slowly letting it out.

maybe i should really follow my sibling in America.

it was another day in the hospital, theyre back in work with Dr. Cha again, great. but he listens well and didnt talk actually that all of them are suspicious of him.

even Young Min was worried about it, he didnt act right ever since he woke up maybe his hunch was right he was upset about him waking up. but it seems like its not the reason cause they talk normally last night.

but it was bothering him since he is not acting like a brat he is, what is happening?

EonieHyung: whats this text i get, you say youll follow me here to study here instead?

huh?! ohhh yes thats true EonieHyung! arent you glad?

EonieHyung: but i thought you dont want to be a doctor and you wanted to be a singer instead???

well if i do that i will get kicked out.. :(

EonieHyung: want me to convince her?

no its fine..

EonieHyung: ok? want me to pick you up then? whens your flight?

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