Jealous? No!

468 18 4

words: 2691
description: Cha Young Min received a message from Seung Tak 2am in the morning, now he cant stop thinking about it.


Go Seung Tak, 1st year resident, confident and full of himself he have a good sense of humor and he knows it. he liked getting people's attention he likes being adored at.

Cha Young Min, a professor at Eun Sang University. he was really upset to be stuck with this resident its been annoying working with him. not to forget that he cant even hold a scalpel.

theyre not at good terms at all, but sometimes they have normal conversations and somehow still fight over stupid things. however, even if it happens on a daily basis they still understand each other.

Seung Tak was resting in the on-call room, it was past 10pm he was busy all day working and being scolded. he was tired that he couldnt move his feet to walk to get some coffee.

"damn you look terrible" Jae Won suddenly appears, climbing the top bunk bed.

"thanks.. " Seung Tak mumbled.

his face buried on the pillow as he take a look at his phone, he didnt wanna do this but he wants to.

so he stands up too fast that he hits his head on the bed but it slowly wears off, wearing a different shirt and shoes going out of the on-call room.

"where you going at 11pm? " Jae Won asked him.

"if someone asked for me tell them im in my house! " Seung Tak said.

he lied.

he didnt go home at all, he wanted to let out some stress so he goes in a bar not to party but to drink. itll be terrible to drink alone at home so he went to a bar.

he sighs and order a drink, the bartender really caught his eyes but he didnt make it too obvious since it would be weird plus the bartender might be straight.

"alone? " the bartender started talking.

Seung Tak puts down the glasses before chuckling slowly nodding his head.

"how can someone like you be alone? " he said, Seung Tak looked at him with one brow raised and just shrugged.

"just stress at work, drinking alone is fine" Seung Tak responded, drinking and ordering another one again.

"you work as? " the bartender didnt finish the conversation, he still wants to talk with him.

and for Seung Tak maybe he could really use some talk right now that he is stressed.

"surgical resident" he answered following a light chuckle.

"a resident? youre drinking right now, what will your professor think about this? " the bartender asked.

"i dont really care.. i rarely drink so this new" he laughed.

"im Chang Min by the way" he introduced himself and was inviting him for a handshake which Seung Tak returned.

"Seung Tak" he answered and smiled at him.

Seung Tak spend the night on the bar for a long time, the guy also gave him his number so they can talk again.

Seung Tak tried standing up even if his sight is spinning he manages to, Chang Min called a cab for him since he cant drive or walk at this rate plus he came here by taking a cab as well.

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