Drunk Confessions - TsukkiYamaKageHina

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The first thing that crossed Hinata's mind, as he opened the invitation was that he should not attend the party. It would be cleverer. He wasn't ready yet and although he hadn't seen his old teammates for a while now, he was sure they wouldn't mind if he didn't come. In fact it was a miracle to him how Daichi got his address.

But the more often his gaze would wander over the folded paper on his kitchen table, when he ate breakfast and got ready, day to day, the more he wanted to go. It wasn't a good idea, he knew that. He wouldn't survive that day. Because they didn't like him. It was obvious. But he really hadn't seen Daichi and the others for a long time, and he kinda missed them. He was sure everyone would be there, even after all these years. They had such a strong bond in highschool, maybe it would be good to see them again. Also there'd be enough people who he could talk to and who he wanted to talk to.

So he did. Against all his intentions and against all the alarm bells ringing in his head, he went to the party that Daichi launched. He was late. The invitation said the party would begin at 7pm and now it was almost 8 o'clock. The last hours Hinata's decision had switched at least every 10 minutes until he was already late. But now he was on his way. Hinata hurried through the evening, his breath forming clouds in front of him. It was a cold February day and he buried his face deeper into his scarf. He couldn't figure out if he was scared or excited. He had seen them all at the match against the Schweiden Adlers last November, but somehow this was different. They met for real. He would be stuck with them the whole evening. A flash of scenes played in his head, of all the things that could go wrong, but he shook his head to make them go away. As long as he would ignore them and as long as he wouldn't say something stupid, he was fine. Which was nearly impossible, he thought later. Maybe, and he really hoped for that, maybe it would be fun. And it would be fine. Just some old teammates reuniting.


"Heyy", Daichi greeted him when he finally arrived at his place. "I almost thought you wouldn't turn up." He laughed.

Hinata smiled awkwardly. He supposed it was better not to tell Daichi, that he had really thought about not showing up.

"Yeah...", he said. "Something got in the way. Sorry I'm late."

"No big deal." Daichi grinned and opened his arms for a hug. "Long time no see, huh?"

Maybe that was what Hinata needed. He would say, he didn't like that hug, but the truth was, it made him feel more comfortable, made him feel at home.

"Just a few month ago, though", he said with a laugh, as they let go.

Daichi chuckled. "Sure. Still good to see you again. Our superstar, right? Now, come on in, the others are already here." Hinata beamed. Somehow hearing such a great compliment out of Daichi's mouth made him feel endlessly proud.

He left his jacket and shoes at the hallway and followed Daichi into the living room.

Sugawara looked at him with a grin, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by a certain former libero. "Shoyooo!" Hinata laughed, as he was attacked by Noya. He slowly felt the energy rising back into his body.

He quickly made his round to greet everyone, trying to ignore certain people. Tanaka pressed a beer into his hands and Hinata sat down next to Asahi and Ennoshita on the sofa.

"So, Hinata", Suga started. "How was your trip to Brazil? Last time we've seen each other you didn't really tell much."

And so Hinata, red cheeks from excitement, started telling about his two years in Brazil, what he had learned and how difficult and different it was to play beach volleyball. He talked about the people he met there and how it really helped him grow his skills. He enjoyed, that he got everyone's attention and just for a moment he felt like himself again.

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