Counting Shirts

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Mr. Sturgeon's ingrown toenail suffered greatly from being stomped on by Miss Scrimmage.

The entire toe turned purple and grew even more swollen. Every step was misery.

His limp worsened, along with his mood. Finally, at the urging of his wife, the Headmaster called the doctor.

"Well," said Dr. Haupt, "the accident really aggravated your condition."

"It was no accident," said Mr. Sturgeon darkly. "I was attacked by a crazy person." The young doctor looked shocked. "Really? Who?"

"Oh, the Headmistress of the finishing school across the road."

Dr. Haupt raised an eyebrow. "If this is the work of a Headmistress, I'd hate to see what a hired assassin could do." He packed up his medical bag. "I

can prescribe a stronger painkiller to help you get a good night's rest."

The Headmaster shook his head. "I'm out like a corpse from the pills I already have. I sleep so heavily my wife has been taking my pulse to make sure I'm still alive."

The doctor shrugged. "I'm sorry, but my prognosis remains the same." He opened the office door. "You need the operation. Nothing else is going to do any good."


"... that's exactly what the doctor said!" Larry told Bruno and Boots as he handed over photocopies of his sketch of the crest. "I was right there by the Xerox machine making these and I heard every word."

Classes were over for the day and the boys were heading in the direction of the dormitories. "That doesn't sound good," said Bruno. "The Fish definitely needs an operation."

"The doctor said nothing else would help," Larry added breathlessly. "But what kind of operation?" Boots asked.

"What difference does it make?" said Bruno. "It's an operation and that's serious." He shuddered. "Poor guy. On top of it all, he's got the Phantom to worry about."

"The Fish isn't worrying too much about the Phantom," Boots said feelingly. "He thinks it's us. So does half the school."

"He suspects it's you," Larry corrected. "Don't worry. The Fish would never suspend a guy unless he was sure."

Bruno slapped his photocopy. "Well, at least now we can go to Edward's room. If he's got a shirt with this crest on it, he's got a lot to answer for!"

Edward O'Neal opened the door of room 105 in Dormitory 1 and peered into the hall at Bruno and Boots.

"Well, what do you know," he announced sarcastically. "It's the Over-the-Hill gang." Bruno and Boots brushed past him into the room.

Macdonald Hall #7: The Joke's on usWhere stories live. Discover now