chapter 4

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(This is how your apartment looks like)

(This is how your apartment looks like)

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Y/N's POVI woke up before hailee and went to the kitchen to make my special pancakes that i know really help with a hangover or at least that's what some of my friends said

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I woke up before hailee and went to the kitchen to make my special pancakes that i know really help with a hangover or at least that's what some of my friends said.Around 10 am i hear footsteps coming down from my bedroom.She didn't see me but she looked confused while walking around the house.
"Good morning Hailee"
"Oh my god you scared me"she says holding her hand in her heart.
"Sorry didn't mean too.How are you feeling?"i ask while pointing her to the table.
"My head hurts A LOT"
"Yeah i knew that's why i made you some pancakes.Everyone has said they made their hangover less terrible"
"Oh really.Then i can't wait to eat them"she says with a smile and started eating.
"Damn Y/N they're actually really good."
"Well i told you"i say proud of myself.
"Not only you're a really amazing instructor but also a good cook."she says making me blush a little.
"You haven't tried my famous steak yet"
"I hope one day i will"she says and i smile and blush at what she said.
" i wearing your clothes??"
"I apologize for changing you without your consistent but i couldn't let you sleep with a shirt that had vomit on it and those pants looked tight."i say making a worried face.
"No Y/N you don't have to apologize i do.Thank you and i'm sorry for everything idk why i drank that much."she says with embarrassment.
"Hey you weren't the only one who was drunk don't worry we all needed that.Yesterday was fun."i say having flashbacks of how close we were dancing.
"Yeah it was."she says hesitating to ask me another question."Is it okay if i skip working out today.I really don't have the energy"
"Yeah sure i'm not feeling it too"i say and she sits on my couch.
"I love your apartment.It's really you."
"Thank you."
"You drove my car here right?"
"Yup.It's parked safe and sound you don't have to worry."
"Okay that's good.Thank you again."
"It's my pleasure."I say and it's a moment of silence since she's on her phone.I decided to check it too and i saw that Sydney had posted a video of me and hailee dancing next to each other saying finest couple.Now that's awkward but we really do make a good couple.But none of us decide to talk about it.
"Is it okay if i stay a little bit longer i dont really feel like driving?"she says breaking the silence."If you aren't busy of course?"
"Yes it's okay i don't really have anything to do today."i say excited cause i get to spend more time with her.
"Cool cool cool.Should we watch smth?"
"What do you say we watch How i met your mother?"i said hoping she would like it.
"Yess i've wanted to watch it."
"Okay im getting some snacks.Also i have to find my cat to feed him.He's probably in the balcony."
"You have a cat and you didn't tell me?I love cats even though i have a dog."
"Sorry forgot to mention it.His name is Cookie and he's me if i was a cat."i say and she laughs.
I left her in my living room and went to take Cookie inside but he doesn't go straight to the bowl to eat he goes at Hailee.
"He's so cute."Hailee says making a soft cute voice while petting him.
"Ikr i got him last year and since then he has made my life so much better"
"I get you.Martini also made everything in my life worth it.She's my soulmate."she says and i make an aww face.
I grabbed some chips and popcorns placed them between us and started watching the show.It was quite and every time something funny would happen Hailee giggled and so did I.Our fingers would accidentally brush each other every time we would get popcorns.
I can't believe that we spent our day together watching one of my favorite shows on my couch like a couple.Hailee came closer to me during the show.She rested her head on my shoulder and stayed like that for a while.Till it was time was her to get going.
"Thank you Y/N for everything again.I really enjoyed yesterday and today too."she says while putting on her shoes."I promise i'll give you your clothes back"
"Nahh they look better on you.You can keep them."
"Well you have to let me make this up to you.How about you and I go for dinner tomorrow?"she asked.
"That would be great"i say trying to act cool but i can feel that my face is red.
"Great then i'll see you tomorrow for our session and then again for dinner.I'll send you the address and we can go with your motorcycle.I really would like to ride it."she says with a smile and winks at me.
"Works for me."i say and i can feel my voice shaking.
She hugs me says bye to Cookie and leaves.When she's gone i dance like crazy and immediately text Olivia to hang out and tell her everything that happened.
We decided to meet at a taco place.
"Hello my best friend whose getting a lot of women attention those days"Olivia greets me.
"You're so stupid"i say and we hug each other.
"I mean it's true.First you have sex with Sydney then you have Hailee all over you."she says while i order our food.
"We don't even know if Hailee likes me or women."
"That's true but no straight women would cuddle with you while watching how i met your mother.Or wouldn't say anything to you changing her clothes while she's sleeping."
"Maybe she just trusts me idk."i say having a bite of my taco."She also asked me for dinner tomorrow and said that we should go with my motorcycle cause she would like to ride it and winked at me."
"See that's really not straight of her."
"Well time will tell ig.Now let's talk about you."
"How are things with your love life or life in general?"
"Really single and lonely.Also the restaurant is going really well.A lot of new people have come and they liked it."
"I'm so proud of you Olivia congratulations."
When Olivia was little she always wanted to have her own restaurant and it's amazing seeing your best friend achive her childhood dream.
"Thank you Y/N i appreciate it."she says and we make a toast for ourselves.At that moment i get a text and see that it's from Hailee.

fav gym member🏋️‍♀️💙
hey don't watch himym without
                                             you know i could never    
                                     without my fav cuddle buddy🫡

fav gym member🏋️‍♀️💙

you have to meet her i'm sure she'll love you🐶                                                                                You                                      awww she's adorable idk                                        which one of you...

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you have to meet her i'm sure she'll love you🐶
                                      awww she's adorable idk
                                       which one of you is cuter
                                                                                       fav gym member🏋️‍♀️💙
do you want to sleep at
my house after our dinner yk
to meet martini and watch himym?
                                                           sure that sounds

fav gym member🏋️‍♀️💙
great than can't wait
good night Y/N💚
                                                    good night hailee💙

I put my phone in my packet and i see that Olivia is looking me dead in the eyes.
"Y/N you have been smiling at your phone like crazy"she said waiting for an answer.
"Hailee just invited me to sleep tomorrow at her house"i say and she looks more excited than me.
"Whattttttttt that's amazinggg.I want you to tell me EVERYTHING the next day."
"You know i will."
After we finished each of us headed home and before i went to sleep i had a shower.I was really excited about tomorrow.

A/N:Heyyy do you guys like the story so far cause im really enjoying it😋😋Also might do Hailee POV's soon.See y'all on the next chapter

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