𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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As the Angels of heaven descend and the creatures of Hell rise ready the wage war the apostles suddenly start glowing their aura colors in a blinding array of colors, enveloping the portals to both realms in a dome of unbreakable power. "Holy Crap! I-I can't do this I-" shouts Liam who is standing beside Crowley "You can and you must if you leave this circle every one of us will die Liam!!" he says grips his hand "Were in this together" he shouts for all the others to hear past all the commotion of Heaven and Hellish creatures at war in the dome of colors. Watching from outside of the dome Aziraphale feels his heart race watching the chaos ensue "They can do this.. they were chosen for a reason" he says reassuring himself as he opens his book among all the wind being created. Looking through his book he finds a page marked with a special symbol. A circle with all their colors, with the word "SUNRISE" written above roman numerals that spell out '0100' looking at it for a moment he widens his eyes with a bright smile looking at his watch. Seeing his watch moving quickly because time has been warped knowing the war will be won by humanity at sunrise or 1:00 am "Common hold it" he mutters under his breath watching the war wage heavily in the dome made by the Apostles. 

Watching the clock Aziraphale counts down worried as the war becomes tougher and tougher to manage. "3..2.." looking up for a quick moment a sudden flash of light knocks him and everyone in a mile radius to the ground with ringing in their ears from the sudden noise that came with it. Sitting against the Bentley he was knocked against Aziraphale looks around his eyes fully white like before seeing everyone's silhouettes in bright luminous color lying on the ground. Looking up he sees the entities that were once at war in the dome retreating back to their worlds along with those who have been killed disappearing into thin air. Standing up with weak knees he stumbles over to the commotion as the portals to both dimensions close he looks around seeing everyone spread out far from where they were knocked out, trying to find Crowley in the mix.

Seeing his fire orange aura he rushes over stumbling to his knees still hearing the ringing in his ears looking down at him. Shaking him a bit as his hearing comes back he hears himself shouting "Crowley! It's over!! We did it!" he says seeing his eyes flutter open making him well up with joyous tears. 

Rubbing his head as he sits up Crowley looks around seeing the apostles have disappeared and it's just them. Smiling he suddenly gets hugged knocking him back down with a small laugh "We did it" he hears Aziraphale say again as he cries joyous tears smiling he hugs him tightly "We did it"

To Be Continued...

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