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I planned to meet up with my best friend from grade school. I hadn't seen her since, well, forever. I wish Alex would come meet her but he's apparently too busy. I mentioned it to him many times. My bestie was the daughter of Andrew Mendez, one of the world's tycoon. He had a chain of hotels, bars, restaurants and companies around the world.

As a matter of fact, we were having lunch at one of his restaurants today. "Hey Alex, I'm leaving for lunch. I'll be back in around an hour or so," I said as I put my wallet into my purse and grabbed my keys and cell. He waltzed out of the office.

"I'll drop you off," he said taking my purse. Well shit sherlock. Hmm. I suspected he just wanted to know who I was meeting up with even though I told him it was my best friend. Sigh.

The drive was silent. Neither of us said anything. I attempted to turn on the radio but he swatted my hand away. I rolled my eyes and turned to the window. With the speed he was driving at we made it to the restaurant in about ten minutes. It wasn't far from the company.

When he pulled up in the carpark I saw Marissa was already there, leaning against her Benz. When Alex saw her, he stiffened. "That's your best friend Sophia?"he asked coldly. What the hell? I simply nodded, unsure why he was so cold all of a sudden. What in the world is going on?

"I'll walk with you to meet her," his voice was strained. I was missing something here. As we got out of the car, I saw Marissa's eyes widened when she saw my husband. I was definitely missing something here. She knew my husband? Well duh, the whole fucking world knew my husband. Hmm.

"Hey there Marissa! Long time no see. This is my husband, Alex Knight," I said proudly. She didn't even look at me. Alex and her were locking gazes. What the fuck was happening here?! "IS ANYONE GOING TO SAY ANYTHING?!"I yelled. As one, they both looked toward me. I was so angry I didn't didn't bother hiding it.

"You two know each other. How?" I stated as I crossed my arms across my chest. I waited for one of them to speak. When neither of them did I walked towards the car and slammed the door shut. I felt like crying due to the amount of anger I had built up inside of me. I was so confused as to how they knew each other and neither of them was telling me anything!

I honked the car horn to signal Alex. When he came stamping back, I could tell he was pissed. "I want to go home," I said sniffling. I just wanted to run into my sister's arms and cry and tell her everything I witnessed. She was the only one who would tell me what I wanted to know.

The tension in the car could have been cut with with knife. Neither one of us said anything and I didn't want to meet Marissa again. There was something that I was missing. When we arrived at the house I didn't even wait for him to shut off the car, I jumped out of the car and ran up to the door.

I couldn't hold it anymore. The flood gates opened and there was no stopping the tears that flowed. "Where's Ali?" I asked my mom in law. Everyone surrounded me but I needed to see Allison. I had to ask her. "What did you to her Alex?"my father in law demanded when when my husband walked through the door. He looked stunned.

"Will someone get me Allison?" I said between sobs. I felt a pair of familiar strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me to them but I fought them. I didn't want him right now. He didn't tell me how he knew her. I tried but he pulled me to his chest. "Sophie! What the fuck happened Alex?!" I knew that voice by heart. I wrapped my arms around my husband's waist and sobbed hard against his chest.

"How- how does he know M-m-marissa M-mendez?" I asked through my sobs. Everyone looked at Alex and their expressions changed. Allison froze at the sound of her name. "How does he know my best friend from grade school?!" I shouted.

"That's his mistress," Allison whispered. I froze in his arms. I stepped out of his embrace. "Your what?" Alex just looked at me. His face didn't show any emotion. I laughed. A hollow, emotionless laugh. I started laughing hysterically. Everyone looked at me worriedly. Even Alex was worried.

"Of course! That's why you never fucked me right? Cause you were busy doing her! Fuck you Alex! I fucking hate you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was never good enough for him. He took a step toward me but I moved. I didn't want him to touch me. He had a mistress. A fucking mistress. And it was my best friend from grade school. Of course.

Fucking filthy asshole! "She was a one night stand Sophia!"he exclaimed. A one night stand? He was unbelievable.

"HOW MANY FUCKING NIGHTS AGO YOU ASSHOLE!?" I yelled. I couldn't stop crying. He was cheating on me. How the fuck did I not see this!? He looked mad now but I could care less. How could I be so stupid.

"I can sleep with whoever whenever the fuck I want. And you know what Sophia, I fuck her all the time," he sneered. That did it. That fucking did it. I slapped him straight across the face. My whole world came crashing down. Forget about getting the Alex who Allison knew back. He was long gone and this man, this monster, is who he truly is.

"I loved you. I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for you! Gosh! I had never been in love but I fell for you! And this is how I get repaid. You don't care. You never did and you never will! Then again why would you? This wasn't real for you. This was never a real marriage for you! You said that the night you brought me home and I stupidly agreed," I fell to my knees. My body was shaking with sobs.

I couldn't believe it. He never loved me but I always had hope. I shouldn't have. And then just like that, like someone flipped a switch, I stopped crying. I stopped feeling sorry for myself. As a matter of fact, I stopped feeling at all. I got up and walked up to him very robot like.

I looked into his sharp blue eyes. I smiled, a weak broken smile and reached up on my toes. I pecked his lips and walked away. I went into the guest room and locked the door. I didn't want to see anyone or anything. It didn't matter. All hope and optimism faded away...

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