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I sighed as I place my book down. Everyone was busy and Alex was at work. With nothing better to do, I just sat and tried to read. The house had an enormous library, making my dream come true. It was filled with shelves and shelves of books. Like straight out of a book or movie.

I got up and made my way out into the lush garden. There was a pathway lined with pink and white flowers. There was a fountain in the middle ringed with many different flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours. There were big trees surrounded the perimeter and the fence.

It was a sight to behold. There were stone benches and a swing under a tree. It was every girl's princess dream come true. I sighed and sat in the swing. A slight gentle breeze tousled my hair causing it to blow in my face. I sat there for almost an hour in peace and quiet.

Until my tyrant of a husband came home. "SOPHIA!"he shouted my name as though I were missing. I sighed and got up. As I walked inside the house I could hear him mumbling and grumbling to himself. "Oh hi my love! Great to see you're home. With company,"I said, looking at the woman next to him. She was short and petite with porcelain skin and raven black hair. She had grey eyes and a slim build.

"Your wife misses you very much,"she said oblivious to me. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. He didn't introduce us as yet but she looked dumb to me.

"It's called sarcasm. Look it up,"I said as I tried to walk past my husband. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I gasped and looked into his ice cold eyes. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. He pecked my lips and turned back to the woman, still holding me in his arms.

"This is my wife Mrs. Sophia Dawson Knight,"he said proudly. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. Yet, my name sounded like the best thing coming out of his mouth. "Sophia this is my assistant and closest friend, Elizabeth,"he said introducing us. I shook her hand and that's when I saw the ring. She's married Sophie! No need to worry.

"Actually I've been married for almost twelve years now,"she said amused. I almost slapped my palm on my forehead. "I said that out loud didn't I?"I asked embarrassed. I'm sure my cheeks were bright pink now. She laughed and it was so sweet but cute at the same time.

"I can understand why you would be worried. Had it been reversed and my husband was introducing me to his assistant I too would have been skeptical,"she said. I'm glad she understood. I nodded not sure what to say. I sure as hell didn't want to look at Alex's face right now.

After she left, I went up to our room. I took my hair tie and pulled my hair into a messy bun. Just as i was about to leave, Alex walked in. "Was my wife jealous?"he asked looking at me with a smug smile. "No!"I hissed and tried to walk past him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "It seems like you were,"he said teasingly. I narrowed my eyes. I was not jealous! Right? Right? Ugh! So what if I was jealous- OH NO! I was falling for him! And I can't stop myself. What the hell is wrong with me?!

He looked satisfied with himself. I would have smacked him. Instead I rolled my eyes and looked away. He roughly tilted my chin. "Didn't I tell you about rolling your eyes at me?"he growled. He looked dangerous and I gulped. He bent his head down and when his lips touched mine, it was like fire on ice.

He kissed me roughly and my mouth burned. He wasn't allowing me to get air and he kept biting my lip hoping for an entrance. I stubbornly didn't allow him any. I tried to pull away but he didn't allow it. I couldn't breathe and I started to push him. He still wouldn't stop. My hand broke out and I punched him.

The shock of the blow allowed me an opening. Without thinking I pushed past him and bolted out of the room and down the stairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I leaned against the wall and gasped for breath. My chest was heaving. I wasn't out of trouble yet though, as my husband materialised at the top of the stairs his chest heaving as he looked at me with an expression that made me want to bolt.

Even when angry he was sexy. I tried to get my feet moving but it's like I was glued to the spot. The universe had a sick sense of humour. He flew down those stairs in the blink of an eye and was now standing above me. I pressed up on the wall and he kept moving in, not allowing me any space.

He kept closing the space between us. I felt my heart racing in my chest. I tried to calm my nerves but it was no use. I didn't know what to do. Only God Himself would be able to save me from this infuriating, good looking man.

I sighed and started counting in my head and tried to calm my heart. He didnt allow me much however as he tipped my chin up. I looked into his eyes and I could see the blue fire. "ALEX! SOPHIA!"shouted Allison. That didn't make this man retreat. Her voice sounded like she was in the kitchen. I didn't know.

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