Chapter 18...

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Another week, another night as champion. And tonight, I am in a fighting mood. I want to fight someone. I don't care who, I just want to get my hands on someone.

Last week on a special episode of Raw, legends came on the show, and we all had a great time. It was entertaining each one of the legends knock some sense into these different wrestlers who don't know or have respect.. This week, however, we start the road to Extreme Rules. It is the one night a year where we all go extreme. And I look forward to it, because I get to use some weapons.

Let me explain some things that happened on Smackdown. On Smackdown, Chris Jericho had his Highlight Reel show, and the special guest was Dean. Since Chris has become a jerk, he decided to make fun of Dean's show, the Ambrose Asylum. Dean came out with a note that said the Highlight Reel has been canceled and will be replaced by the Ambrose Asylum. 

Things were changed. The set still had the tv, but it was covered up with a board that said Ambrose Asylum on it. This looked more like Dean. However, the lunatic got under Jericho's skin, and it caused Jericho to go after Dean. It was a fight, but Dean stood tall over Jericho. 

Zack Ryder had an Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge, and the Miz accepted. Sadly, Ryder lost and is no longer champion. I was bummed. He deserved to be champion. 

And finally, Roman and I had a mixed tag team match. We faced Rusev and Lana. No titles were involved, it was just a match to see who was better. The Bulgarian Brute, and his "hot" Russian wife, or the Powerhouse siblings.  

Although Lana had only become a wrestler in recent months, she gave me a run for my money. We were close to winning, but Aj Styles got involved in the match, causing a DQ. This caused Roman and Aj to start fighting back and forth inside the ring. It was hard to see whether or not Roman or Aj were going to stand tall.

However, there was one point in the fight where Roman was going to do the spear on Styles. But when Roman started running towards him, Aj pulled me in front, since I was still in the ring, and Roman speared me to the mat. 

Not gonna lie, getting speared hurts, but getting speared by my brother who is easily over 100 pounds heavier than I hurts even more. Aj ran away with a smirk on his face when he saw what he did. Roman had so many emotions going on. He was mad at Styles for putting me in harm's way, he was panicking because I got speared, and he was trying to make sure I was okay, he was apologizing over and over again. But I finally sat up, Roman was almost on top of me, making sure I was okay. Once he knew I was fine, he helped me out of the ring, and he kept me to his side while holding both of our titles. 

So yeah, Smackdown was fun, but I think tonight is going to be even more fun. 

To open Monday Night Raw, I will have a WWE Women's championship open challenge. 

I walked down the hall, heading towards the gorilla. I saw Dean further down, pacing, and mumbling to himself. What's gotten him all riled up?

"Hey Dean."- Lelani

He was still pacing back and forth. 

"Babe?"- Lelani

Still pacing back and forth. 

"DEAN!"- Lelani

He finally turned towards me when he heard me yell his name. 

"Oh-hey baby girl. You heading towards the ring?"- Dean

"Yeah, I am. I was going to have an open challenge. But I saw you pacing, so I thought I'd check up on you before I head out."- Lelani

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