Chapter 23...

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It's Monday Night Raw, the night after Extreme Rules. Everyone is sore, everyone has bumps, bruises, and cuts. With me, I have a limp, and bruises littering my body. Dean has scars on his back and shoulders from the thumbtacks, and Roman has a screaming headache. Of course, they have bruises and whatnot, but all they have to complain for is the thumbtacks and headache. 

And speaking of headache, Seth Rollins returned last night, and he has instantly set his sights on the WWE World Heavyweight championship. After Roman won his match last night, Seth came up behind him, and attacked him. So that's fun. 

Dean has a match tonight against Chris Jericho. This match will hopefully end this on-going feud between Dean and Chris. I will of course hold an open challenge, I believe Roman has a match tonight, but I also know that Roman wants to call out Seth, because he is still livid over what happened. 

I arrived to the arena earlier in the day with Roman and Dean. While Dean and I were laughing, and talking amongst ourselves, Roman was quiet, and didn't say a word. I had a feeling I knew why Roman was quiet, but I just wanted to make sure I was right. 

"Hey, you okay? Your awful quiet."- Lelani

"I'm fine, don't worry about it."- Roman

"It's Seth isn't it?"- Lelani

"Yeah. I'm just mad that he came back. Let alone right after my match, and while I celebrate my win."- Roman

"I understand. It was frustrating for us to see him, but I can't imagine what it was like when he attacked you."- Lelani

He smiled, and hugged me. 

"Thank you for understanding."- Roman

"Hey, he didn't just hurt you. He hurt all of us. All I ask, is that if you do fight him, beat the crap out of him."- Lelani

"Heh, You know me sis. I will make him hurt like he hurt you."- Roman

I giggled, and we continued on to our respected lockerooms. 

. . . . . . 

My music hit, and I walked out. I had a slight limp, bandages around my waist, and a big smile on my face. I walked down the ramp, and high fived some of the fans. I walked up the steps, and entered the ring. I climbed to the second turnbuckle, and screamed, 'THIS IS MY HOUSE!' I got down, and grabbed a mic.

The crowd was cheering and chanting for me, and I had a big smile. 

"Wow, even when I am in pain, you guys always seem to put a smile on my face. But, even though I am hurting, and even though I have a limp, I still want to defend this championship. Kaitlyn may  have brought pain on me, but she did not take away my fire to defend this belt! I am going to hold an open challenge and defend this title right now! I may be in pieces, but I am not broken. So whoever wants to step up to the challenge, is more than welcomed to."- Lelani

Kaitlyn's music hit, and she walked out. She had smirk on her face. I don't know why she is smirking, she has a bandage on her arm, and around her ribs. She got in the ring after grabbing a mic, and stood in front of me, almost chest to chest. 

"Last night may have been your night. But tonight will be my night. You may have beaten me last night, but I will take that championship from you and become the new WWE Women's champion."- Kaitlyn

She glared at me, and I just smirked. We stepped back, and when the bell rung, we stood face to face once again, but this time she shoved me. I smirked again, and instead of just letting it slide, I tackled her to the ground, and started pumbling her over and over.

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