Chapter 14...

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*SIDE NOTE: this may be a long chapter. You have been warned. ENJOY!!*

We are officially on the last stop to WrestleMania. We are on the last Monday Night Raw and Smackdown before we head off to the show of shows, WrestleMania. And boy is there a lot to unpack here tonight.

Tonight, there will be nine matches. 

Malia Orton vs. Audrey, with their husbands at ringside. Each superstar competing in the ladder match will face off in Three singles matches. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, Stardust vs. Sin Cara, and Dolph Zigglar vs. Zack Ryder. Miz will be on commentary for each match. DJ Austin will face off against Ashley Strong with their respected teammates in their corners. Allison will have a match, both Jimmy and Jey will face off against the Dudley Boyz in singles matches, and Dean will face off against Xavier Woods. 

On top of that, there will be two contract signings, and two face-offs. That being the Fatal-Four way Diva's championship, The WWE World Heavyweight championship, and the face off between Brock and Dean, and Shane and the Undertaker. 

Now I am telling the truth when I say this, but I do not have a match tonight! Well, let's hope I'm being honest with this.

Stephanie has called Becky, Roman, Dean, and myself into her office. When the four of us walked inside, we saw both the WWE World Heavyweight and WWE Diva's Championships in glass cases on two tables. Yeah, some champions these two are. 

"You know, it's sad that these titles are in these cases instead of around waists."- Roman

"Their just doing this on purpose. But, we could steal them."- Dean

"How are we gonna do that?"- Lelani

"Break the cases, and run away with the titles."- Becky

"Don't give Dean and Roman ideas!"- Lelani

"You know that their only doing this so that they can show off. But I have no idea why we- oh look."- Dean

Stephanie walked in with a big smile.

"Hello, thank you for joining me in my office."- Stephanie

"Oh it's a nice room."- Becky

I nudged Becky in the ribs. She looked at me, and I gave her a look that said 'Don't encourage her.'

Stephanie caught on that we were starring at the championships.

"Their nice aren't they? You know, it must suck that the two siblings had these titles in your hands at the Royal Rumble, but as quickly as you got them, they were quickly ripped away from you both by Charlotte and my husband, Triple H."- Stephanie

"She's so proud of herself."- Roman

"Oh yeah, we're very proud of you."- Dean

"Yeah, and I mean it only took like 28 or 29 other men to beat Roman."- Lelani

"Yeah, and I hope that your enjoying it, because at Wrestlemania, I'm taking back that title, and either Becky or Lelani will be walking out as the new champion."- Roman

"well, clearly I am enjoying it because both titles are on display. And Becky, Dean, you both have said that you would be willing to do anything to be champion, and Lelani, Roman, you both know what it's like to be champion, and you know know what it's like to win it."- Stephanie

"And that's why your days with these titles are numbered. Because after this Sunday, one of the three of us, will be walking out as champion, and Dean will walk out as the man who beat Brock Lesnar. And we will all be the faces of this company. What do you have to say about that?"- Roman

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