Chapter 1

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Three's a handful. Statistics say having three kids is the most stressful. Outnumbered by only one. But three year old boys need just as much attention as babies do.

Kate sighed then smiled as she remembered when her twin boys had filled her bathtub full of sparkling pink glitter, not long after they learned how to walk, just to see what she would do about it. Only God knows what they would do to their new baby sister.

Castle took her hand in his. " What do you say? Want to have another baby?" Castle joked.

Kate looked at the tiny baby girl in her duck covered car seat with love and joy in her eyes. Johanna Castle was now two days old, about to meet her brothers for the first time. She laughed, "only if you're the one who gives birth this time."

Castle laughed too. " I think three's enough. Besides the boys are probably causing havoc back at home with Mom."

As it turns out, the boys were sitting quietly drawing pictures for their new baby sister. But covered in vibrant colored paints, of course. And naturally, the drawings were on the living room walls.

"What happened in here?" Kate asked as she set the baby carrier on the couch far away from the boys' mayhem.

"Just be glad they're still alive. One of them insisted on going into the woods with a chainsaw and cutting down a tree to make the paper himself after I told them they were made from trees." Martha stated.

"Let me guess which one that was," Castle paused, obviously for dramatic affect. "Was it, possibly, Alex?"

"Oh, come on Castle. It was Tyler. He gets his imagination from you." Kate countered.

"Are you kidding? They both do." Martha pointed out.

"She has a point." Castle accounted while pointing sideways at his mother.

Kate stood there opening her mouth but closed it a second later, not knowing what to say. She knew they were right but didn't want to admit defeat.

"She knows we got her." Castle smugly turned to Martha and smiled.

"Enough of this. I want to see my new grand baby." Martha walked towards the couch where the baby carrier laid and sat by it to see baby Johanna Castle for the first time. "She's gorgeous."

"Lets just hope this one doesn't cause nearly as many tragedies around here as these two have." Kate pointed to Alex and Tyler who were still painting, with their faces and hair covered in neon paint.

"Mommy!" Both boys came running for their parents.

"Hi baby." Kate said as she picked up Tyler, the older of the two.

"We painted the baby pictures!" He said excitedly.

Alex had stopped to take a look in the car seat. He thought the head looked very small and cute but couldn't understand why it was just attached to a light pink bundle. "Why is she just a head?" He asked adorably. The whole house bursted into laughter.

"She isn't just a head, Alex." Castle said while lifting the fragile figure out of her car seat. " See her little feet poking out of the blanket?"

Alex and Tyler both moved towards Johanna to get a closer look." Daddy can we show her our pictures?" Tyler asked still hyped up.

"Of course we can!" Alex yelled as they all went over to the neon streaks plastered on the once tan wall.

"Mine's the prettiest!" Tyler bragged.

"For someone who's blind, yes." Alex sneered.

Castle looked down at the boys amused. He didn't know how three year olds insulted each other so smartly.

Tyler stuck his tongue out at Alex which caused an eye roll and some sass.

"Boys." Beckett warned. Johanna started to cry.

"She should be hungry by now." Castle stated.

"I'll be back." Beckett took Johanna into her nursery and shut the door.

"Come on boys. Bath time."

"But Daddyyy." The twins whined instantly.

"No butts except yours in the tub." Castle said taking both boy's hands and having to drag them to his and Kate's bathroom.

He set the boys on the dark marble counter and started taking off their now colorful shirts. "Do you want apple or strawberry scented soap?"

"Apple!" The boys shout in unison. Castle laughs and turns around to start the bath. But the tub was filled with glitter... Again.

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