16 - Prom 2.0

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I was stunned by his comment. So stunned that the moment was lost.

"What? You own the school? Connor's school? How is that even a thing?" He smiled at me.

"Well, it is a private academy, not a public school. It has private ownership. I don't advertise it. I have a board of directors and I stay behind the scenes. I love teaching. I love my students. I hate the administrative stuff, so I let the dean and the board handle all of that."

"Does Changkyun know?" Surely he would have told me.

"Well, yes... but he was sworn to secrecy. Don't be upset with him."

"He does know how to keep secrets. I just never expected him to keep them from me." I was a little irritated, but at the same time I respected that he upheld his friend's confidence.

"The guys all know, but again... silence. The board and Dean Whitlock all know. No one else." He paused, then added, "This doesn't change anything. Or I hope that it doesn't... does it?"

"I... maybe? I don't know. I'm not sure how, but it feels different. I just need to process it..." my head was spinning. "It does explain how Kyun was able to pull strings to get Connor enrolled late." I shot him a look then checked my hair in the mirror hanging on his wall. I felt my control returning and decided that was something to deal with later. I smiled at him. "Perhaps we can pick this up after the prom. I never had a real prom night," I winked.

"I would like that very much," his voice was raspy and low and it made my insides melt. He put his hands on my waist. "I really love your hair up like this, your neck is lovely," he said as he kissed the flesh behind my ear, making my knees go weak.

Walking back to the hall, thoughts were swirling in my head. What am I doing? This is crazy. Who exactly is Minhyuk? What other secrets does he have? I can't do this. I want to do this. What is this? Being with him was going against everything I had been trying to make myself believe for the past few months. At that moment I didn't care. I was high on Minhyuk.

We slipped back into the dance during an upbeat song with lots of energy. Kyun spotted us, and smiled knowingly as he winked at me. I blew him a kiss and went to dance with Minhyuk. Just as we got on the dance floor, the song ended and a slow one began. He pulled me against him and we danced. Courtney was glaring from her "station". I ignored her. I wanted to rub it in her face, but I knew better.

Kyun came over and tried to cut in. Minhyuk didn't step out, so the three of us finished the dance together, laughing. We took a break and got refreshments. My feet were hurting, as expected, so I took my shoes off and started rubbing my foot. My dress fell open and both of them scrambled to catch it. I put my leg down quickly. Minhyuk got on one knee in front of me and started massaging my foot.

He locked eyes with me as his fingers worked magic. Kyun leaned in and whispered, "you guys need to remember where you are. I can feel this is going to escalate quickly." Min gave my foot one last squeeze and took his seat. Kyun laughed.

I spotted a girl by the door. She looked like she was crying. I pointed her out to Kyun, since he was the chaperon. He sighed and went to check on her.

He spoke to her and I saw her shake her head and wipe her face. She wrapped her arms around herself and it looked like she was about to really start bawling. I told Minhyuk I was going to help. He nodded and stood up. I put my shoes back on and walked over. I introduced myself to the girl and asked if she would rather talk to me. She nodded and I took her arm. I guided her into the hallway.

I led her to Minhyuk's office. I sat down on the couch with the girl and handed her some tissues from the nearby table. She said her name was Kelly. Her date was dancing with another girl and was ignoring her. I had a flashback to my prom night and a similar situation. She said this was their first date, but she'd had a crush on him for a long time. He asked her to the prom and she was thrilled that he had finally noticed her. But now she thought he was making fun of her.

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