11 - Winter Pageant

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The next day, a police officer showed up at my office. He had some follow up questions about my report. Chris had tried to file a report against me as well. It seems I had broken his nose and he had to go to the ER. He was giving a completely different story, of course. He claimed that I attacked him when he refused to take me home with him.

I laughed out loud. The officer asked if I had anything to back up my side. I started to say no, but then I remembered the security cameras at my office complex. He said he would follow up with the management office and get back to me. I thanked him and went back to my work.

The officer called later to tell me that Chris had been arrested, but released on bail. He had dropped the charges against me when presented with the video evidence against him. Internally, I snickered. If the bruised tailbone and elbow were the only thing left to have to deal with from that night, then I would be happy. No more Chris.

Honey's birthday... Chuseok... Halloween... Thanksgiving... they all flew by. I celebrated virtually with my family and the guys. I had worked to arrange things so I could go home to see Connor's play. I had brought my assistant up to speed and gotten her ready to handle things for a few days. I would only be staying for 2 nights, just long enough for the play and to have early Christmas with the family. It would be the first time in 2 years and I was really excited.

I packed my suitcase with some clothes and gifts and had it ready by the door. My carry-on was packed except for the things I would use the next morning, like toothbrush, etc. I got my shower and laid out my clothes so I could be out the door quickly. My flight was leaving at 6AM, so I had to be at the airport stupid early. I was driving myself this time, since my trip was short.

Over the past 2 months I had talked to Minhyuk several times. We had gotten to know each other a little better. He asked if we were going to get together like we said, and the thought made me flush all over. I was looking forward to that as much as seeing my family.

I went to bed a little early so I could get up early. I was surprised that I slept as well as I did. I woke up and stretched and then practically bounced out of bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I got dressed, threw the last few items into my carry-on, made a to-go cup of coffee, and headed out the door. Getting on the road that early got me ahead of the worst of the traffic so it didn't take that long to get to the airport.

Once I was in my seat, I willed the plane to fly, and to fly fast. We finally got in the air. My flight was just under 4 hours long, but it felt like 20. I did not nap and I could not keep my mind focused on a book. Kyun was going to pick me up. Connor's play was that night, then Christmas with the family on Saturday. Minhyuk had claimed Saturday night and Sunday morning as his own. Kyun and the guys were invited for family Christmas since theirs were all in Korea.

Dad was putting in a new floor down in the basement, all the furniture from there was in the old office/Clara's temporary bedroom, and Clara was staying in the guest room upstairs. All that meant I had to stay with Kyun... or Minhyuk. I wasn't sad.

It was a half day for the students, so Kyun left as soon as they dismissed. It still took him over an hour to get down to the airport. I had cleared luggage claim and was waiting for him when he texted that he was in the pick up line. I stepped out the door and was scooped up into a hug within 30 seconds. He had spotted me and ran to get me.

He helped me load my suitcase and we were off. We stopped and grabbed a quick snack on the way. An hour or so later, we were at his house. It was 2:30 and the pageant was at 7, but Connor had to be at the school by 6. We were meeting the family at 4:30.

I had to admit that I was disappointed that Minhyuk had not surprised me by coming with him, but Kyunnie had told me he had to help with the production. He was much more involved in it than Kyun. I knew I would be seeing him soon though.

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