That Time I Got Reincarnated

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I was walking down the street when I noticed a woman being harassed in a alley. I couldn't stand seeing this and so went over to help. 

(Y/N): "What's going on here?"

There were two guys being very aggressive with the woman. Her face was pleading for them to stop and for me to help.

Thug: "None of your damn business."

Thug 2: "Better leave or things will get dirty."

(Y/N): "I can't do that when I see the woman clearly needs help."

Thug: "Have it your way."

The guy brings out a switch knife and approaches me. I get in a defensive position, and wait for him. He swung at me as I back stepped and sent a strong right hook to his chin. He dropped like a sack of potatoes. His friend got nervous, as I approached him. He then pulled out a gun?! 

Before I could react a gunshot rang through the alley. Ignoring it, I ran towards him and punched him with all my strength, he dropped down to the ground. I turned to look at the woman.

Y/N: "Are you okay?"

She didn't respond and kept looking at my chest. I wondered why so I also looked down. I realized as to what had happened as I fell down to the ground.

I had been shot.

Adrenaline must've had me keep going. God this fucking hurts, make it stop.

Confirm, Pain Nullification acquisition successful.

Is this how I'm going to die? To some dirt bag? I want people like him to feel the pain of all they have harmed. 

Unique Skill: Penance Stare acquisition successful.

I wish I could've gotten that motorbike I was eyeing. 

Confirm, Transportation Summoning acquisition successful.

I've always thought the reaper was a skeleton with a flaming head, I wonder if I'll see it's true.

Confirm, Undead acquisition successful.

I hope I don't go to hell. I'm sure fire from hell would be the worst type of pain imaginable.

Confirm, Hell Fire acquisition successful. 

I wonder if I could react to bullets, or better yet break the gun if I trained.

Confirm, Enhanced Senses acquisition successful. Continuing... Enhanced strength acquisition successful.

I don't want to be affected by anything. Like being invincible! Is that even possible?

Confirm, True Resistance acquisition successful. 

Looks like this is the end.

Woman: "Please hold on! I called the ambulance! Just hold on please!"


Where am I?  What's happening? I heard some voice... Oh right. I was shot. At least the woman is safe. I don't feel any pain right now. It's kind of dark here. It feels like I'm sitting on some rocks.

 I look around and it looks like I'm in some cave. I felt something touch my hand and see some blue slime next to me. I kind of mess around with and it seems like it got annoyed by that. 

I decided to walk around while the slime jumped around absorbing stuff. Eventually the slime was going fast until it fell down somewhere. Seeing as it is the only "living" being around here. I followed down to where it fell. I reached some lake and saw my own reflection. I was a skeleton with a flaming head! I was also wearing leather biker clothes for some reason.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as Ghost RiderWhere stories live. Discover now