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I was currently laying down on the bed inside of the hut, when Rimuru came in. He shot out Shizu's mask out from himself.

Rimuru: "There all fixed."

He didnt seem to notice me, as I had my flame off. He turned away from the mask and starts laughing. Turning into his human form, Rimuru, started looking at his hands while flexing them.

Rimuru: "This Mimic works really smoothly. An actual human body... Feels great to have this."

He made a clone of himself and started checking himself out. Then becoming depressed seeing no genitalia.

Rimuru: "My little bro didn't make it..."

After checking out the clone some more, he turned it into a male more mature version.

Rimuru: "Wow I look handsome! I wonder how I look as woman?"

Changing the clone once more, it turned into a mature woman. However... the clone never had clothes on the first place so there was a naked woman standing there.

Rimuru: "Woah! Woah! Stop!"

He made the clone disappear.

Y/N: "I have a question."

Rimuru quickly jumped from his spot in surprise.

Rimuru: "How long have you been there?!"

Y/N: "Before you came in."

Rimuru: "And you didn't think to say something until now?!"

Y/N: "Didn't feel like it. We're getting off topic here."

Rimuru: "Fine. What's your question?"

Y/N: "Since you absorbed shizu... doesn't that make you a girl? I mean... you look more of a girl than a guy."

Rimuru: "I'm not sure... I'm not comfortable looking like Shizu."

Y/N: "The way I see it. You taking the form of Shizu is a way of remembering her. You could even beat up the demon lord looking like shizu to get her revenge!"

Rimuru was pretty quiet.

Y/N: "You don't have to literally take her form. Just resemble her a bit."

Rimuru: "I'll try."

Rimuru changed their from a bit to resemble a girl. Becoming taller, head reaching around my shoulder. Gaining long blue hair, medium sized breasts and a slender body. They looked more like of shizu. I get up from the bed and walk over to them.

Y/N: "Come."

I grab their shoulders and lead them over to a mirror.

Rimuru: "It reminds me of her..."

Y/N: "Isn't that a good thing?"

Rimuru: "It hurts to remember."

Y/N: "But that's fine. You only lost her just recently. Think of it as carrying her legacy. Didn't you make a promise to her?"

Rimuru: "Yeah."

Y/N: "Everytime you look in a mirror, you will remember the memories with her. The promise you made with her. The pain will transform into fondness."

Rimuru smiled at the thought.

Rimuru: "Maybe you're right."

Y/N: "I'm always right!"

They turned around and hugged me. I hugged back.

Y/N: "You do realize you're naked, right?"

Rimuru: "I forgot!"

That Time I Got Reincarnated as Ghost RiderWhere stories live. Discover now