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It has been a few a weeks since we came back from Dwargon. Over these weeks the four Dwarves we recruited have been working hard, building and making stuff. Kaijin with his superior smithing skills. The oldest of the dwarf brothers, Garm, an armor smith. The middle brother, Dord, whose craftmanship is the finest among all dwarves. And the youngest brother, Myrd, whose skill with his hands makes him an expert in architecture and the arts. The guy also never speaks.

Slowly but surely, the village was being built. When we had just arrived back from our journey back, there were hundreds of new goblins. Apparently they came to our village due to superior monster races seeking dominance in the forest.

Rimuru and I named them all, which again made us sleep for three days. Not that I don't appreciate a good nap. I can't even go to sleep when I want to now. Being a skeleton, you have no eyes or anything but bones...

I was currently laying atop of Ranga, while Rimuru was on my back. I heard a yell, but didn't bother moving at all. It was Rigurd who was running towards us. Rigurd promoted from Goblin Lord to Goblin King. I think the reason was that he was the leader of all the other village elders. Due to his promotion, he became more larger and bulkier.

Rimuru: "Something happen?"

Rigurd: "Yes, sir! We received a message from Rigur and the security team. It seems they've discovered suspicious beings in the forest."

I was still laying on Ranga without a care in the world. 

Rimuru: "Monsters?"

Rigurd: "No, humans."

Now this peaked my interest. I lifted myself up and looked at Rigurd.

Y/N: "Humans?"

Rigurd: "They may be scouts from some nation hoping to expand its dominion."

Y/N: "I'll go check it out. You wanna come with, Rimuru?"

Rimuru: "Sure!" 

I grabbed Rimuru and hopped off Ranga.

Y/N: "You can go lay somewhere Ranga, we'll be back soon."

Ranga: "I await your return!" 

I summoned my hellbike and hopped on. I placed Rimuru on my lap and looked at Rigurd.

Y/N: "Where were they spotted?"

He pointed at a direction.

Rigurd: "That way."

I revved my bike and zoomed off to where Rigurd pointed. Didn't take long to spot someone killing large red ants. A girl wearing white was in front of a large red ant, only to fall to her knee. I decided to help her out and ask questions later. Driving at the ant, I brought out my chain and wrapped it around the ant. I then passed it and pulled the chain with a strong force. The ant was now split in half. Rimuru decided to go all overkill and used black lightning completely erasing it. Right now dust was covering us due to Rimuru's black lightning. 

Rimuru: "I guess black lightning really is too strong. Better not use it, either."

Y/N: "You think?"

The dust cleared letting the four humans see my on my bike with Rimuru on my lap. I was holding a mask that I caught.

Humans: "A slime and Undead?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Got a problem?"

 Blond: "Uh, no..."

I got off my bike and walked over to the girl on the ground. I handed over her mask. I got a good look at her and realized its the girl that's supposed to be Rimuru's destined one. On our way back he told me about the fortune telling. 

That Time I Got Reincarnated as Ghost RiderWhere stories live. Discover now