Direwolf Attack and Dwarven Kingdom

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Rimuru went over to a hut where the wounded goblins are at. I looked around the small village taking in mental notes. Mainly the fact that there were no defenses at all. They don't even have walls! I notice the goblin who we spoke with earlier in the hut.

Y/N: "Hey you."

Goblin: "Yes, Great Y/N?"

Y/N: "Do you have any wood around here? I can see that you spears and all. But I don't think they will be enough."

Goblin: "Yes we have wood."

Y/N: "Get some others and build barricades or fences around."

Goblin: "Yes, Great Y/N!"

He ran off to a hut. Rimuru must have finished healing the injured since he is sliming his way over here.

Rimuru: "What do you think of the odds?"

Y/N: "Without us. They would all lose and die."

Rimuru: "Yeah I thought the same."

Y/N: "Looks like we got to deal with them ourselves."

Rimuru: "Would they be stronger than the monsters in the cave?"

Y/N: "I doubt it." 

Rimuru: "I'll take your word for it."


The goblins had the fence/barricade placed in the entrance of the village. Rimuru and I were currently standing outside waiting for the wolves to arrive. It was late at night so I'm sure they will get here soon.

Soon enough they did. A large amount of wolves appeared far ahead of us.

Y/N: "Turn back if you want to stay in one piece."

Rimuru: "Leave at once!"

The one I'm guessing is the alpha of the wolfs was in the middle.

Alpha: "Insolence! No mere slime and undead can order around us Direwolves! Trample down that fence! Spill the blood of those lowly goblins!"

He howled out the command to the rest of the wolves, while one stayed by his side. Now a large group of wolves are approaching us. Only for them to be shot down by arrows. If they were not killed by arrows they would be killed by Rimuru's threads.

Alpha: "Threads?"

Rimuru: "That's my skill, Steel Thread."

Alpha: "It's the slimes doing?"

Rimuru: "That's right!"

Alpha: "A puny monster like you dares do this?! I will squash you!"

Wolf: "Father!"

Right now the descends down from the hill and runs at us in great speed. He bit and tore Rimuru's threads as he come towards us. When he draws near us, he jumps up and comes down towards us. I bring out my chain and rap it around him, and rip his body in half.

Y/N: "Rimuru, if you could."

Rimuru: "Gladly."

He made his way over to the now dead Alpha Direwolf.

Rimuru: "Hear me, Direwolves! Your boss is dead! I'll give you the choice: submit or die!"

It becomes quiet as the Direwolves don't move from their position.

Y/N: "Psst, Rimuru!"

Rimuru turned around to look at me. I pointed at the Alpha's body and then pointed at my bony mouth. He understood what I meant and absorbed the Alpha's body. Rimuru was then surrounded by a black smoke/mist as it cleared to show him as a Direwolf.

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