Pizza Pit

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The turtles and Lizzie are jumping across buildings

Raph: pizza week!

Leo: pizza week!

Donnie: pizza week!

Mikey: pizza week!

Lizzie: pizza week!

All: pizza week!

Donnie: and scene

Lizzie: we should do that more often

Raph: everybody set your stomachs to I'm not stopping till I explode mode It's time we get out pizza on

Leo: yeah! And Liz I got something great planned for us tonight!

Lizzie: I'm excited

Mikey: so get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop and my personal favorite Lou Mike Tony's pizza!

They all saw the pizza place fall through the ground

Mikey: NOOOO!!!

Mikey fell on his knees and Lizzie comforted him

Raph: Where'd it go?

Leo: I think it closed

Lizzie: it looks more like destroyed

Donnie: My phone says it's open until ten

Mikey: Who would do this? Why pizza supreme in the sky? Why do you test us like this?

Leo Raph Donnie and Lizzie don't say anything

Mikey: Why aren't you guys more upset?

Donnie: Uh I'm very sad

Lizzie: there are other restaurants in New York

Mikey: none of them were as good as Lou Mike Tony's!

Donnie: I found a bug once and that's really it for me. Okay now that we've all moved on let's get us some of my favorite Tony Lou's Pizza

The five of them saw Donnies favorite pizza place sink underground

Donnie and Mikey: NOOOO!!!

Donnie: I only pretended to care when it happened to Mikey's place favorite place but now that it's happened to me I hurt!

Mikey: Both our favorites were sink holed. This is the worst pizza week EVER!

Lizzie: shouldn't we be more concerned about the fact that these restaurants are sinking in the first place?

Leo: priorities Lizzie! This is pizza week we're talking about!

Donnie: To lose one pizza place is New York real state but to lose two pizza places is...


The turtles and Lizzie go inside the turtle tank

Donnie: a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top!

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