Insane In The Mama Train

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In the lair Raph opened the fridge

Raph: eat some cake! Raph's eating some-!

The fridge exploded with feathers and Raph landed in the wall

Mikey: Hahaha! Classic Mikey prank attack!

Leo: Nice work bro! Gimme some

Mikey: Yeah!

They both high fived only for Mikey to realize he high fived a dummy

Mikey: Aw nuts

Lizzie: Look out!!

Lizzie pushed mikey out of the way right when the dummy exploded with feathers

Leo: hahaha! oh come on Liz he had that coming!

Lizzie: so do you

Leo: what-?

The couch Leo was sitting on exploded with feathers and he hit the wall

Lizzie: Haha! That was me

Donnie: not bad if I do say so myself

Raph was able to get out of the wall

Raph: Okay guys enough messing around. We need to train for Friday night's Foot mission

Mikey: But today's Friday

Leo: No It's not. It's Thursday.

Mikey: No It's Friday

Lizzie: it feels like Thursday

Leo: But the mission's on Friday

Raph: Wait If today's Friday then...

Raph walked up to the calendar

Leo: Wait wait wait! Don't touch-!

The calendar exploded with feathers and Raph hit the wall

Lizzie: Raph! You ok?

Raph stood up from the floor

Raph: yeah I'm fine but we gotta go-!

At that moment Splinter and Alexa arrived at the lair

Turtles and Lizzie: Uh oh...

Alexa: where were you?!

Splinter: the mission!

Mikey: see what had happened was-

Splinter: Enough! Do you know... How could you... I am just... very disappointed

Alexa: so am I...

Lizzie: Mom-

Alexa: I don't want to hear it Elizabeth. I thought you knew better but I was wrong

Both Splinter and Alexa walked away

Leo: Wait a minute did we get rid of all the-

They all heard another explosion

Leo: Okay that's on me...


In the living room Alexa helped splinter stand up

Alexa: are you ok?

Splinter: yes but the children... They are not ready!They are not ninjas! I have failed my ancestors...

Alexa: no you didn't we can still-

Splinter: wait a minute my ancestors!

He found an ancient scroll and opened it. Then Hamato spirits appeared

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