Portal Jacked

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Leo and Lizzie burst into Señor Hueso's office

Leo: Señor Hueso! You gotta help us!

Lizzie: it's really important!

Hueso: Certainly. I will begin by teaching you how to leave. Although Lizzie can stay Buh-bye

Lizzie: no you don't understand!

Leo: this is an emergency! You won't believe what happened! I opened a portal and my brother's I fell in but then I came out fine but when they came out they didn't come out! My brothers are gone!

Lizzie I know it's called porthole jacking but I have no idea where they could be!

Hueso: your right this does sounds like a classic case of portal jacking

Leo: Uh duh! What's portal jacking?

Lizzie: i explained this to you. Some yokai can switch the portals destination

Hueso: those yokai are pirates and they especially target the portal maker if he is shall we say lame

Lizzie: my boyfriend is not lame!

Hueso: boyfriend?

Leo: yeah that's right we're an official couple! Anyway you'll have plenty more chances to zing us while you help me find my brothers. Vamonos!

Hueso: While I would like to help my favorite customer you're not him

He points to a picture of Todd on the wall

Lizzie: that's fair Todd is super nice

Hueso: and I do not go to the Hidden City. Look on the bright side you'll get used to the crushing loneliness!

Lizzie: I've recently had a few experiences where I felt alone and believe me it's not a good thing. Plus me and my mom have been coming here since I was a little kid

Leo: also my brothers and I buy enough pizza to put hueso junior through bone college. Have you seen our frequent buyer card?

Lizzie: we're only asking for one favor in return

Hueso: Fine I will show you the way to the Hidden City but my help ends there.

Lizzie: oh actually I know plenty of ways to the hidden city. It's finding the pirates we need your help with

Hueso: very well I will tell you where to find the pirates but that's where my help ends


Lizzie showed Leo and Hueso to a dumpster that led to the hidden city

Leo: The Hidden City is in the trash?

Lizzie: plenty of ways to get there this is just the closest one

Hueso: it also fits you best

Lizzie: Rude

Leo: alright here we go!

Hueso: No. I will give you both a map-

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