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Today was just you and Katsuki since Izuku was out for a mission.

Katsuki decided to treat you for the day and take you shopping, just because he simply wanted to.

At the moment the two of you were at the mall. You had already gotten yourself some clothes and a few pairs of shoes, now you were practically dragging your husband to the hero merchandise store.

"Woah! Why the hell are you rushing? The store isn't going anywhere."

"I read online that they just started selling hero plushies, and I wanna catch them before they sell out!"

Once you got in the store you immediately let him go and went to hunt for the plushies. Katsuki leaned on the side of the entry way waiting for you to get your things.

He wore a mask to keep himself hidden from people, so they wouldn't ask for anything like autographs or pictures from him. He just wanted today to be about you and him, no interruptions.

"Hey Bakubro?! Is that you?!"

Well- that's what he wanted. But nothing really seems to go his way now does it?

'That voice- fuck!' Katsuki thought 'Don't come up to me, don't come up to me, don't come up to me, don't come up to me, don't come up to me, don't-'

"I knew I recognized that spikey hair! What's up man!" Katsuki tensed when he saw someone familiar in front of him. 'Fuck.'

"What the hell are you doing here shitty hair?"

"Damn, still sticking with the name? It's all cool though! I was shopping and seen your hair from a distance-"

"I could've been someone else-"

"But you weren't!" The red haired male gave him his signature smile. "But how are you bro? Haven't seen you in years!"

"Why are you here in Yokohama?"

"Was needed for a mission here and finished so I'm just here roaming around the city for a bit till I go back"

"Mhm, now leave."

"Don't be so harsh man. Let's catch up!"

"No, I'm busy"

"Come on we haven't spoke in years yet this is how I'm treated? Well, it was expected from you-"


"Ah there it is!"

"Katsuki! Katsuki! Look they have it!" You bounced over to him with stars in your eyes. In your arms were two huge plushies of your husbands. "We were lucky we got here in time before these were gone! Although, I almost had to fight a child for them, ended up giving him fifty dollars in the end- Oh, hello?" You just realized he wasn't alone.

The red head blinked at you. "Oh- when you said you were busy I thought you were just making that up- you know- like you did in high school, my bad!" Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck while sweatdropping.


"Wait- I know you! You're Red Riot!"

"In the flesh!"

"I heard you and Katsuki were friends!"

"He's not my friend." The said male spoke calmly, shocking Kirishima.

"Stop being so mean!"

"You must be..?"

"Right, I'm sorry! I'm Y/n L/n. Katsuki's wife."

"I didn't know he had a wife, that's so manly! I'm Eijiro Kirishima!"

"Well it's very nice to meet you Kirishima!"

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