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"And.. she should be good as new in a few hours!" The doctor told you as he finished wrapping Kimberly's forearm with a bandage. "Sure, it'll still leave a raw patch of skin but it won't hurt."

"Thank you so much, I'm so thankful for your quirk"

"I'm just doing my job, if your daughter has anymore pain, which I highly doubt, but just in case, please be sure to come back and ask for Dr. Joe" He smiled.

"Thank you but she's not my daughter, I'm just her teacher. But I'll make sure to tell her mother when she gets here" You picked up Kimberly and smiled down at the shorter adult causing him to blush.

"Oh really? She looks a bit like you"

"Is that so..?" You turned your head to look at the tired child. "Well maybe we share genetics, it is quite possible."

"Why indeed it is-"

"Ehem." Both you and the doctor directed your attention toward the open door, spotting a curly ginger haired woman.

"Yes, Can I help you?" The docter asked giving the woman a close eyed smile.

"I'm here for Kimberly."

"Oh, you must be her mother, I'm Dr Joe"

"Mommy!" As soon as Kimberly spoke, you set her down on the floor letting her run and hug her mother's leg.

The woman was wearing red bodycon dress with her cleveage exposed to the world, her curly hair was a bit deflated and her lipstick was smudged. To put it simple, it was obvious she was out partying, and it hasn't even reached nightfall yet.

"Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush, so could you just skip the introduction and get to her condition."

"A-ah yes- Ehem, she had a second degree burn on her , but thanks to my quirk the pain should be gone within a few hours along with the bubbling."

"Hm." She then directed her attention towards you. "Mrs L/n."

"Miss Ano."

"I'll leave you ladies to chat" Kimberly's mom stepped aside letting Dr. Joe out of the room.

"I'm transferring Kimberly back to her previous class. She obviously isn't safe within your care." Yours and Kimberly's eyes widened at the words that left the older Ano's mouth.

"But mommy- you can't! I really like Mrs L/n! You can't send me back- You just can't!" Tears bubbled in the child's eyes as she looked up at her mother who didn't spare a glance in her direction but keeping her cold eyes locked on you instead.

"I understand Mrs Ano." You kept your head down. You despised the idea. You didn't want her to go as soon as you got her. But it was out of your control. You may not be a mother but you understand what it feels like to be a mother. You understood that a mother needed to do what she had to do in order to keep her child safe, even if they didn't like the decision. You bowed towards the woman. "I sincerely apologize. It's my fault, I should have been watching over her carefully. If I did my job properly as her teacher she wouldn't be hurt."

Kimberly looked at you with wide, tear filled eyes. "Mrs L/n.."

"It is my duty to watch over and keep her safe while she is in my care. yet I failed to do just that. I truly hope you can forgive me."

"I want you to know that you are a failure of a teacher and I'll be damn near out of my mind if I were to ever let you watch over my child ever again." The woman grit her teeth as her eyes began to water. "What if you didn't make it in time? What if she got severely injured or I never seen her again?" You stayed bowing listening to her cracking voice. "What would have you done if that were to happen?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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