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"NOOOO!" Your kids shouted as you broke some news to them.


"Who will give us our morning hugs?!"

"Who will bring us doughnuts?"

"Are you leaving us because we were bad?!"

"Will we still get doughnuts?"

You sweatdropped at the children "Of course not! I'll only be gone for two days"

"BUT THAT'S LIKE, AN ETERNITY!" Danny, one of the males, shouted with tears bubbling in his eyes, others agreeing.

"Calm down everyone, I'll be back before you know it! Plus if you're good for the substitute, I'll take you all on a trip to the zoo if you'd like!"



"Lions are better!"

"You take us to the zoo AND get us Ice cream!"

"Hmm.. I don't know.."

"Please!" They all say in sync.

"Mm. Will I be given a bunch of hugs when I get back?"




"Then I wouldn't dare say no!" You gave them a bright smile as they cheered. "Now-"
You took a box from off your desk. "I seem to have bought too many doughnuts, and I couldn't possibly eat them all on my own.." You playfully sighed.

"I'll help you eat them!" Mei, another one of your kids, was the first one to raise her hand. The other kids laughed while you smiled once again, which made her blush.

"Awe, how thoughtful of you Mei-Mei! Would anyone else like to help?" A chorus of yes' came from the kids, making you chuckle. "Alright, go wash your hands!"

As they all ran off to wash their hands you heard a knock on your door.

"It's open!"

When the door was cracked open, a child popped her head in the class.

"Oh! Ano, sweetheart! Come in!" The five year old fully came into the room and immediately ran up to you and hugged your leg. "Hello darling" You patted her head softly "How are you today?"

"I'm good.." She looked up at your tall figure.

"That's good! Say, I bought some doughnuts for everyone, would you like one?"

"If it's okay!"

"Of course it is! Just go wash your hands!"

After everyone's hands were washed you gave out the doughnuts. While everyone was enjoying you then realized there was no more left for you. But you didn't mind, you could always buy some later.

"Mrs. L/n?" You looked down at Kimberly, to see her holding half of her (favorite doughnut) doughnut, in a napkin, up to you.

Your eyes widened a bit in surprised. You then smiled at her bashful face.

"Why, thank you"

What? She was offering and you didn't eat this morning.


"Shwap it!"

"Awe! I just want to kiss you and hug you and never ever let you go!" Izuku squished your cheeks together. He then pecked your lips a few times before letting go of your face and picked you up. "Let's all get married again love!"

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