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You deadpanned at Izuku who had found his way between your thighs and was suffocating himself. And yes, you let it happen. Not because you didn't care- but because this is what he wanted after thirty minutes of begging.

He was content to say the least.

"Y/n, his face is turning red."

"He knew what he was getting into when he put himself in this position."

"Pfft, still, the dumbass is gonna die if this goes on."

"You're right." You tried to move your legs but Izuku pulled them back.

"Let me die peacefully" You pursed your lips together while Katsuki gave him a blank look.

"Y'know what, just let him at this point." Katsuki laid himself down and hugged your stomach.

The three of you were now in a beautiful hotel room waiting for six o'clock to roll around so you could go to the reunion. it was currently early in the morning, so you still had time before you went.

"You know what I don't understand?"

"What is it?"

"The fact that they made all of these real life disney movies yet there still isn't one for the princess and the frog."

Katsuki sat there, unspoken for a few seconds. "I honestly didn't even think about it"


"I don't even watch disney movies"

"Katsuki, why are you lying? Just the other month I caught you and Izuku watching high school musical when you thought I was sleep" You looked down a Katsuki whose ears were turning red.

"I was not watching that lame ass movie-"

"So you calling me crazy?"

His eyes widened "Huh?! No!"

"So you did watch it?" You smirked.

"No, I was not. Izuku was watching it, I just glanced."

You rose a brow at his words "Mhm." Opening your phone you went to your gallery, pulling up a picture. "So this not you?" You showed him picture of him and Izuku sitting cross legged at the bottom of your bed, focused on the movie.

You felt the heat radiating off of his face. He reached for your phone, but you moved it away from his reach. "Delete it!"

"Say please"

"Please delete it~!" He whined still reaching for the phone.

"Hehe, how about... no!" You smiled as he pouted. "It's not like anyone else is gonna see it anyway, so relax sweetheart" You pat his head before changing the subject. "Hey Izuku, you've been really quiet.."

Katsuki sat up to get a look at him. "He's asleep."




That's when realization hit the two of you.


"AH- IZUKU!" You tried moving but he still had a death grip on your thighs. Katsuki tried moving his hands off of you but he wasn't budging.




"Good morning children! I'm Miss Jamie, and I'll be your substitute while Mrs. L/n is out!" The once happy atmosphere turned gloomy all of a sudden.

"I forgot she wouldn't be here today" Elijah said looking down at his desk. The class agreed.

"Aw don't look so blue! We'll have lots of fun!"

"Excuse me?" Mei raised her hand.


"Do you have doughnuts?"

"No I don't, sor-"

"-I don't like you." She along with the rest of the class glared at Jamie.

The woman sweatdropped. 'This is gonna be a very long two days' she thought to herself.


"They couldn't have made it more on the casual side?" Katsuki muttered, fixing his vest. He wore a black dress shirt under his black sleeveless vest, that had a chain hanging from the pocket, and a pair of dress pants.

"You know Yaoyorozu. She likes to show off her money- who knows, she probably just wanted to compare her wealth to everyone else's." Izuku sat on the bed, already done getting ready, passing the time by watching tik toks. He wore a black, satin button up and a pair of dress pants. The shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way, showing his chest a bit.

Katsuki laughed a little at his comment.

It was now six fifty-five and the three of you were now getting ready to leave. You didn't feel like going before or right at six so you waited a bit before starting.

The two that were hosting the event (Iida and Yaoyorozu) decided on having it at the female's mansion since it was MUCH larger than his mini one. And of course Yaoyorozu suggested it be formal, beautiful bi-

And Iida being Iida agreed.

"Okay, I'm ready" You walked back into the room. Izuku's eyes widened as he whistled lowly, while Katsuki's jaw dropped.

There you stood, dressed in a maxi red satin dress that hugged your beautifully chubby figure, the slit on the dress showing your plush s/c thigh that held the small heart tattoo on the side of it. On your neck was a diamond collar necklace and your wrist decorated with a diamond bracelet. Lastly you wore a pair of sliver ankle lace heels.

Oh and of course you didn't forget to wear your ring, same going for the other two.

"I fucking love being married."


You giggled at their reactions. "Are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am~"

"As ready as ready can be, beautiful"

You grabbed your bag and put your phone in it. "Okay then, let's go!"


"Woah.." You stared up at the huge mansion in awe. Katsuki opened the car door for you. You gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.

"Hey~ what about me?" Izuku pouted. You rolled your eyes and smiled, giving him a kiss as well. "Thank you love~"

"it's huge..!"

"Do you want to live in a mansion as big as this?"

"Oh- no. I would get lost in a quick second"

You all walked up to the door and before you could even ring the doorbell, the door was opened and the three of you were greeted by a butler.

"Welcome to the Yaoyorozu residence. Please, enjoy the party." He stayed in a bowing position until you walked in.

As soon as you walk in you could see the big crystal chandelier hanging from the sealing. There were people spead around speaking with one another, butlers going around offering food and drinks to people and there was a classical band playing on the other side of the room. You stared at all of this with a blank look on your face.

Your first impression of this place?


Fun facts:

Izuku and Katsuki don't really drink much but you, you're a whole different story.

You don't really like wearing makeup.

Both males like to watch disney movies while you're sleep

Hey babes! I hope you're having a good day/night! Make sure to take care!


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