dream remedy

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When Yuu first escaped from Sanguinem and met Lieutenant Colonel Guren, he couldn't help himself. He broke down, he became depressed and he felt drained of the all the life he used to have.

He just witnessed the death of his family, and such a short time after he had come to accept them as just that- as family. He almost didn't feel like it was worth living, now that they were all gone but he told himself that he had to. They had put their life on the line to help him escape, so he couldn't just up and off himself after just narrowly escaping.

Yuu ran into the Lieutenant Colonel's chest, sending the two of them falling into the snow with a sob. His heart hurt from the loss and his feet burned from the ice underneath them, but the warmth of the tears that made their way down his cheeks without being soaked up into the shirt of the man below him as well as the man himself kept his face and abdomen warm.

Guren sat up with him, gentle with him, considering his fragile state right now.

"Come on, let's get you out of the snow and somewhere warm."

Since he didn't have anywhere else to stick him, Guren reluctantly offered to let Yuu stay with him until other arrangements could be made.

"I've still got a job to do, whether you feel well enough to go to school or get on with your life or not, so don't expect me to sit here and baby you. You're going to have to pull yourself out of this and get back on your feet with your own will. That's one of the requirements for getting into the Moon Demon Company," Guren told him as Yuu laid in the bed the man had prepared for him to sleep in while Yuu lived with him. Yuu didn't look at him. He just hugged the pillow tighter and shut his eyes, tired of looking at the wall. Tired of being awake.

"You got that, kid?" Guren prompted.


Without another word, Guren walked out and shut the door behind him.

Yuu sighed and let the tension in his eyes and shoulders go, eyes shut comfortably instead of tightly. Sleep was quick to overtake him and his mind faded to black before his vision was filled with green.


He was in a field, the wind gently stirring the grass and flowers that graced the surface of the hill he was on. The sky was blue, filled with white fluffy clouds that seemed closer than clouds usually did.

"Yuu!" A familiar voice called.

"A-Ako?!" The little girl came running up the hill, pigtails blowing backwards with the wind.

She was followed by Taichi, Fumie, Kouta, Chihiro, Akane and Mika, wide smiles on their faces as they ran up.

"Yuu!" they all yelled, tackling him to the ground with laughs and giggles.

Tears welled up into his eyes, overflowing. "I'm so happy to see you guys again."

"Shhh!" Akane shushed him as the group let off, letting Yuu breathe.

He raised an eyebrow with question but obediently stayed quiet.

"Do you hear that?" She asked.


"That's the sound of you being it! Tag!" Akane slapped him on the upper arm and ran away, the rest of the children scattering with a collective scream.

Mika stopped to turn, sticking his tongue out in a taunt before running away the rest of them.

Yuu smiled and ran after them, "Oh I'm so gonna get you guys! Just you wait!" He yelled as caught up with Taichi who ran the slowest out of the Hyakuya children. The little boy let out a scream and tried to run faster but Yuu easily caught up with him, picking the smaller boy up with a growl. "Rooar, I got you!" Taichi screamed again and attempted to wriggle his way out of Yuu's arms.

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