let me be your muse

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Yuu glanced at the pretty purple head surrounded by her admirers furtively. She was smiling, nodding her head as one of them explained the benefits of agreeing to be his muse. Once or twice, Yuu thought that he caught her brown eyes snapping in his direction, but with how he had harbored a crush on her for so long, such fantasies weren't rare.

Shinoa brushed a stray hair out of her eyes, and Yuu's fingers twitched, wishing it was his hand instead. He heard one of the artists tell her that he was an expert when it came to drawing short people. Yuu didn't have to be a genius to know that after that little stunt there was no possibility of Shinoa modelling for him; or Shinoa talking to him period.

Yuu would probably the best artist for her, he mused as he watched her laugh at something one said, because he had memorized every single detail of Shinoa; not to mention the fact that he was the best artist in his class. Yuu resisted the urge to smirk. Shinoa wasn't even the best model in her class, but she was so beautiful that many longed to drew her.

No; she wasn't the best. The best model was him. The seventeen year old Mikaela Hyakuya.

Yuu's gazed moved to the middle where he knew Mikaela stood. He expected Mikaela to have just as many artists, if not even more so, vying for his attention.

He was right.

Mikaela was surrounded by both girls and boys, and Yuu couldn't help but to pity him as he idly wondered if Mikaela could even hear himself think in the middle of the chaos. Then cold blue eyes met his, and Yuu could swear that his heart stopped because the Mikaela Hyakuya ignored the people around him and walked over to Yuu.

The thing about Mikaela was the fact that he was pretty much good, the best was more like it, at everything. He was good at both academic and sports, unlike Yuu who was pretty much average when it came to the former. Mikaela was like a celebrity, popular outside and inside the model class, and even if Yuu was the best artist, he never expected Mikaela to-

But wait. He was getting ahead of himself. What if Mikaela wasn't even moving to approach Yuu? What if he was going over to someone more his league behind Yuu?

Yuu glanced behind him, and sure enough, no one was there. Everyone else had moved the moment their teacher stopped discussing the project, all anxious to get their favorite model. Everyone except Yuu.

The other artists watched, slack-jawed, as Mikaela slowed to a stop in front of Yuu. He couldn't exactly blame them, because even he was having trouble to keep the astonishment out of his face, and it was taking all his will power to close his mouth and not gape.

Mikaela's blond hair fell over his blue eyes as his gaze swept over Yuu's face in a calculating manner, eyes following Yuu's Adam's apple at it bobbed up then down in the latter's nervousness. It was his first time talking to someone so popular. Well, Yuu wouldn't have cared if it was just another popular kid. He had drawn so many. But the thing was, this was Mikaela, and Yuu had admired him for so long.

Was he supposed to say something? Talk? Greet him? Grovel? Should he-

"Draw me."

It was brief, concise and to the point, and yet those two words made Yuu's heart buzz with nervous energy. His idol was asking him - Yuu - to draw him. Some part of him still couldn't believe it, even if his heart was already racing with excitement.


Mikaela rolled his eyes at Yuu's stupid reply. And if he wasn't the one asking for a favor, Yuu was sure that Mikaela would have left him mulling over his words until he finally understood them. "Yuichiro Amane, right?" he asked and without a confirmation, continued. "You're the best artist here, aren't you?" Something warm spread through Yuu at Mikaela's acknowledgement. "I refuse to be drawn by an amateur."

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