the easiest game of connect the dots

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Mikaela doesn't know what's worse: being forced to be a chaperone for his sister's school trip, or the fact that his sister's school trip is the town of his college's biggest rival. If Krul hears about this trip, she'll throw a fit. He'd told her that he'd be spending the night at his grandparents', not that he'd be staying within two blocks of the Imperials' dorm.

He's totally screwed.

The students had spent most of the afternoon touring the art museum. Mika had helped his sister's group with the scavenger hunt the teachers had assigned. This, however, had apparently been against the rules, so even though they won the race, they were disqualified, thanks to Akane hugging her brother and thanking him for 'all his super great arty facts.'

After a fast-food dinner, the buses brought the class to the cheap hotel they'd be staying in to settle down and get ready for bed. The students were given about two hours' worth of free time before lights-out at eight-thirty (which was a bedtime that Mika found absurd; his sister had fought for a nine-forty-five bedtime for at least three months the year before). The chaperones were told that they were free to do as they pleased after lights-out, as long as there was still one in the room with the children in their group (as there were two chaperones per small group) and they returned before midnight-after midnight, as the hotel locked its front doors then, and didn't open them until five AM.

Mika was prepared to spend the evening watching something on his phone until he fell asleep on the blanket on the floor that was his bed to allow the other chaperone to go out. She was a young mother, so he figured she might want to go get herself a drink or, at the very least, some fresh air. However, she saw him placing the blanket on the floor at eight-thirty-two and stopped him, urging him to go out and have some fun, because 'he was a college kid, in a college town, the bars have to have some kind of a deal for kids like him.'

Which is how he finds himself across the street from the Imperials' dorm at nine on a Friday night. He's incredibly grateful he isn't wearing his spirit hoodie (white and red, the school colors, proclaiming the school's name across the back with GO VAMPS! just below it), especially seeing how busy the dorm's front doors are. He's really not the type to get hung up on some school rivalry, but he has to say, the Imperials that he's met are total dicks.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Mika ducks his head and increases his pace. It isn't that he's scared or anything like that. He's just avoiding possible confrontation. That's all. He has a class pin on his jacket, so he wants to make sure no one sees it. In fact-reaching up, Mika undoes the pin and slips it into his pocket. Just as a precaution, though, nothing more!

Beside a trash can, he pauses. He could have sworn he saw something reflective on the ground beside it. Mika wouldn't have spotted it at all if he hadn't been bowing his head. He backs up and crouches, curious, hoping it wasn't lost jewelry or something important. No, just a little key. Its edges are smooth and it doesn't have a hole for a keyring, so Mika assumes it's not a house or room key. Maybe it's from a toy of some sort, like a dollhouse? Or maybe it's for a suitcase? He considers throwing it away, but then looks at it again. It's cute, in a way. Akane would probably like it. She likes making necklaces and charms out of things like this. He can give it to her. Rising to his feet again, he tucks the little key in his pocket and continues his stroll.

It's a block or so past the trash can where Mika spots him. The guy is sitting on a bench alone. His posture is poor; he's hunching his back to rest his elbow on his knee with his chin supported by his palm, his other hand dangling to the side of the bench. As he gets closer, Mika sees he's wearing some kind of bracelet on the dangling wrist. Then he spots the chain connected to the bracelet, and sees the chain connected to the ring around the lightpost beside the bench, and he realizes the situation: the guy is handcuffed to the pole.

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