Chapter 9: A Hero... and Her Loss

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Have you every felt like you were living in a dream? Or that something was too good to be true? That's exactly how I felt the next day at school. Everyone was congratulating me, and admiring me. It was almost like they couldn't see my face. Today I truly felt beautiful and loved.

I saw Cody and caught up to him. He gave me a big hug. He even gave me a kiss on the cheek, we were dating now! At lunch everyone wanted to sit beside me and chat. we had to move over two more tables to fit everyone! It was great.

All day people were talking to me and being super nice. People were inviting me to birthday party's and for sleepovers! I couldn't believe how the competition had changed my life.

That night I was allowed to invite Cody over for supper. We had teriyaki chicken breasts and cheese covered broccoli. That's my favourite meal. Cody left after supper and went home.

When mom was tucking me in for bed she asked how my day at school was. I told her that today was one of the best days of my life! She laughed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. That was our routine. She always told me how beautiful I was too.

The next day I thought everything would go back to normal, but it didn't. And it still didn't change the next day, the week after, or even a year later. Everyone was nice to me.

When I got home that night mom didn't answer my call. I figured she must still be at work and that I'd find I cute note saying how 'she had to work a late shift, suppers in the fridge xoxo!' but there was nothing. No note no anything. I started to search around frantically for mom. I couldn't find her anywhere!

I dialed 911 and the receptionist answered.
"What's your emergency ma'am?" "My moms missing! I can't find her!" I cried helplessly.
"Did you try to phone her?" the lady asked. "
"She doesn't have a cell phone!"I yelled "I need you to find her!"
"Do you know you land location?" inquired the lady, growing slightly concerned.
"No." I stated feebly into the phone. The lady started to give me instructions of what to do, but I could her her. I was too busy running to the door. I heard someone knocking. They were pounding over, and over!

I answered the door and was devastated to see a tall man dressed in a police officer uniform.

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