A sad day Pt 1

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Cassidy's P.O.V

   C.C. has been odd lately. When I first met him, he was all soft and innocent and clingy, now he's getting all independent, moody, and vengeful. I don't know anymore. Anytime I bring up his brother, I get a bad feeling coming from C.C. He ignores me until I'm done talking about him or he'll just walk away if I don't stop. I know I shouldn't talk too much about it but I almost feel like if they ever meet up, it would be the end of one of them. I couldn't let that happen. Afton or not, they shouldn't die because of a mistake. Now that I think about it, he almost acts like that whenever I talk about any of his family. His mom, dad, sister, it doesn't matter! He just gets mad. What did they do to him? I need to know.
   I went up to C.C. and sat down next to him. He was mad about something, I could tell. He didn't realize I was there. I sat there watching his every move. He was cursing under his breath and saying some terrible things he could do to someone. He never used their name, just calling them different things. Jerk, selfish, stuck up, prick... He really wasn't happy with this person. Who was it, though? He had this knife we found in the kitchen of the diner. He was stabbing it into the ground. Each time, getting more and more rough and dangerous. I almost got scared. Eventually, he had enough of his thoughts and snapped.
   "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, AND EVERYONE YOU'VE EVER CARED FOR!... I'll show you how it felt...damn it. I hate you...I hate you so much." He was a wreck. So mad and sad...but he was laughing? His dark tears were purring down his face while he laughed manically. I decided to leave him alone. When I took a step back, though, I stepped a bit too loud. C.C. didn't hesitate for a single moment when he heard me. He bounced up just to knock me to the floor. He raised up his hands while holding the knife and, with great force, pushed his hands down, aiming for the bottom of my neck. I closed my eyes in fear as I waited for the worse. Another Afton, killing me. Maybe they are all the same after all. I waited for a few seconds but no pain, nothing. I opened my eyes and saw the knife centimeters away from my neck. I looked up at the small boy on top of me. He looks terrified and regretful. "I-I'm so... sorry- *hic* I-I don-don't kn-know what came o-over me-" I could tell he felt bad for it, not only because he was crying, but because he was shaking and looking at me with those eyes that said, 'I'm terribly sorry for what I did, although I couldn't forgive myself, please forgive me.' I know it's quite specific, but I've seen those eyes many times before. I've grown pitiful of his brother. I've seen Michael like that too many times. Seeing him like that, like his brother, hurt me. Before I could say anything, C.C. got up and ran away. I stayed in my spot, paralyzed. I couldn't move. I was stuck.

C.C.'s P.O.V

   Why? WHY?! She did nothing to me! I almost killed her...I hate myself... why'd I do that? Ugh, I hate today.  Why does it have to be today? God, I need to apologize. I feel so bad. I got up and turned around to go walk to her.
"CASSY I-...what?" I looked around confused. Where am I? I spun around I few more times trying to answer that question, but I couldn't. I stop when I saw something. A figure of a tall man walking towards me. Voices that used to taunt me started flooding my head 'You're such a crybaby! XD' 'Don't you want a big ol' kiss?' 'He wants a closer look at 'em' Bringing back memories I rather forget. As the man got closer I realized who it was. Michael. I felt my face heat up. A wave of hot anger burning to be released. I grabbed my knife that I previously had and charged at him. But when I got closer I envisioned him as Cassidy. Her scared face when I almost stabbed her...I almost hurt her. My only friend. The only person I've ever loved. The only person who ever stayed with me...and I almost killed her. Why? BECAUSE OF MY DAMN HATRED TOWARDS HIM! By the time I got done talking to myself, I was pinned to the floor. Michael wearing his dumb mask. I grew over the fear of that mask but I didn't grow over my hatred toward Michael. He made my life a living hell. He killed me. Seeing him on me, my hands above my head, unable to move or fight back. I hated to admit it but I was scared. He leaned in close to my face and whispered in my ear,
   "C.C....please. Wake. Up."
   "Please... I'm sorry.... please. I love you." Was he crying? Wait-He was... sorry? But...why? That's not him. This isn't him.
   With that, I jolted up breathing heavily. I looked around and saw Cassidy. She was on top of me, sweating, worried.
   "C.C.! Oh God! You're alive! Thank God. I love you so much! I'm so glad you're okay!" She squeezed me into a tight hug. "What was going on?" I blinked a few times trying to figure out what was going on.
   "??/??/??" I spoke. "My birthday. It's today."

Well lovelies, that's all for now. I'll see you next time! ❤️

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