A Drunken Thought

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Angel stumbled out of the bar after a night of drinking himself half to second death. He hiccuped, staggering forward. However, he bumped into a red-striped suit. He lurched forward, looking up at the face of the character who caught him. It was..

"Oh, Alastor~~!! Hiii!!" He spoke drunkenly, giggling. He set his chin on Alastor's chest, smiling up at the demon.

"...Angel, you're out after curfew." The other stated, an unreadable smile on his face, though his eyes showed a hint of concern.

Angel giggled. "I knooww!! It's-" he hiccuped, "It's fine though!! I'm fiinee!" He slurred. The boy wrapped his arms around the other, laughing.

    "Angel, why are you out so late? You know we have a curfew for you." Alastor said bluntly. He normally did not like to be touched, but he let this one slide. "Do not tell me that you stayed out just to drink yourself stupid."

Angel shook his head profusely,  whining. "Nooo!! Of course not!!" He hiccuped once more. "I had a meeting with Val!!! I then went to- oohh, pretty!" He cut himself off, reaching up to Alastor's face and squishing one of his cheeks.

Alastor jolted, his off-putting grin widening. Static noise began to be heard from him. Angel simply laughed, continuing his antics. "Angel..." Alastor spoke, gritting his teeth. "Please refrain from touching my face." 

"Cmon, Smiles!! I'm just plaayyinn'!!" Angel responded, a lop-sided grin showing on his face.

Alastor felt his face heat up. "Angel, lets get you back to the hotel, yes? You are clearly drunk."

"Drunk? Me?? Nooo! Neeevver!" Angel responded, shaking his head aggressively.

Alastor sighed. Angel kept staring up at him, the two sharing a comfortable silence for a while. After a few more minutes of debating with himself, Alastor shook his head. He then quickly swept Angel off of his feet, holding him bridal style.

"Oh~? Alastor~~!! I thought you didn't like me?" Angel teased, grinning like a fool.

"I don't, my dear, but you cannot walk. This is our only solution." Alastor said simply. This was true, after all. There was no other option.

  Angel wasted no time in wrapping his arms around Alastor's neck, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He hummed happily, making Alastor's face heat up even more.

He felt sick in his stomach, but...in a good way? He did not know how to describe the feeling.


        Alastor opened the door to Angel's room, laying him down on the bed gently. Angel whined, refusing to let go.

"I don't want you to leave!!" He wailed, though he got muffled quite quickly due to the other shoving a hand over his mouth.

"Silence, Angel!" Alastor chided. "Do not wake the others with your unnecessary whining."

The boy beneath him made a muffled whine, but nodded. Alastor removed his hand and stood up straight, adjusting his suit.

"Now, stay here. I shall be back with some refreshments so you do not wake up and bug me with a hangover." Alastor said. He walked to the door and opened it. Before walking out, he glanced over his shoulder, a softer look about him.

"And, please Angel, do be careful with yourself." He stated before walking out the door.

As soon as Alastor walked out the door, Angel was simply being.. drunk and stupid, grabbing everything like it were his pair of tiddies. He decided to walk around and look at everything, trying to find something he "liked" or whatever. He then stumbled upon a paint set.

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