Revelations and Refusals

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       Alastor's eyes fluttered open, the dim magenta string lights casting a sensual glow around the room. His head rested on a soft, fluffy mass, hearing soft breathing from somewhere above him. He felt the light weight of arms wrapped around him, one hand resting in his hair. 

        It was an odd feeling, one that resurfaced many pleasant memories. However, with those pleasant memories came ones that he rather he'd shove down. Alastor wriggled out of the grasp of Angel, glancing to the spider. He was surprised to see the bright pink glow of the other's mismatched eyes staring at him tiredly.

      "Al?" He murmured, voice slightly deeper and raspier. 

        "Go back to bed, darling. You'll see me in the morning." He replied, smiling softly. Angel simply hummed, turning over and hiding his glowing eyes from the other once more. Alastor stood up, smoothing his suit out with his hand. His glowing red eyes scanned the room, before moving to the door. 

       "...will ya be back?" Angel's voice spoke smally from the bed. Alastor paused. He turned his head, looking at the other with an unreadable smile. 

        "I believe Charlie and the others will consider it suspicious if I leave your room in the morning." he stated calmly. When he said this, he felt his chest tighten. This was not one of those pleasant feelings he normally felt around the other. This was like he had just taken part of his soul and crushed it, and the silence coming from the other only hurt more. When Alastor knew that he wasn't going to get a response, he opened the door and slipped out into the light of the hallway.

                              That was when the truth hit him like a truck. 

    Alastor liked Angel Dust. No, liked was far too weak a word to describe his feelings for the other. Alastor...loved Angel Dust. The lowly sinner, disgusting sex worker had somehow stolen the heart of the Radio Demon. The very idea made Alastor's heart flutter. How...


  The Radio Demon held a hand to his heart, trying to calm it as it fluttered in his chest. No, this simply wouldn't do. He couldn't allow something as ridiculous as romance get in the way of his life here in Hell. Alastor wasn't going to permit this. Though, since he lived in the same facility Angel did, it would be quite hard to avoid and ignore him. He didn't exactly wish to move back to his studio, nor his home for that matter, so this would be very troublesome. One of the downfalls of having such feelings for the other. 

      Ultimately, it was his fault, he had to admit. He let his guard drop around the other, allowing the pretty little thing to crawl into his heart and take residence there. He was now going to be the one to deal with his consequences. 

    He ran his hands through his crimson hair, brainstorming ways to move over this obstacle. When he came up with nothing, he decided to reach out to a fellow friend who has always been there to give him advice when he rarely needed it. And so, Alastor made his way down the hallway, stepping down the stairs, and entering the lobby.

     At the bar, Alastor saw Husk, who was slumped in a sitting position, head on the bar table. Alastor slipped into the seat, staring at the bartender intensely. Husk looked to be asleep, his chest rising and falling gently. Alastor, however, was undeterred.

     "Oh my!" He exclaimed, "Someone is running off with an entire bottle of Absinthe!" He put a hand over his mouth, pointing at nothing.

     Husk shot up like a bullet, fur fluffed in anger as his eyes darted around. "What!? Where!?" He shouted, before realizing nobody was there. He had been caught. The cat looked to Alastor, who smirked at him smugly. "Oh, go fuck yourself. What do ya' want?"

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