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It was a late night for Valentino. The moth was seated back in his chair, the lights lowered to a dim glow. In his hands was his signature red cigarette, something he was almost never seen without. He had stayed in his office quite late, papers strewn about on his desk. He had just treated himself to a little break when his phone buzzed on the table. The moth pimp groaned in annoyance, taking a drag of his cigarette while he checked to see who it was. However, he sat up when he saw that familiar name on his screen.

Angel Cakes~

He set his cigarette down in the ashtray that laid on his desk, a smirk growing on his face. It was about time that whore came crawling to him.

Hey Val. I need a favor.

Daddy's awfully busy right now, angel cakes. can it wait?

Valentino watched as the three dots appeared, then disappeared as Angel typed out his message.

No. Please?

Alright, i suppose. what is it baby?

Once again, those dots appeared then disappeared as Angel typed. This amused the moth to no end, his mind wandering. How desperate was Angel to be asking him for help? And- more importantly- was there a way he could use this to his advantage? He was pulled out of his stupor at the gentle tone of the message he received.

I need some more of ya drugs. Hook me up?

He grinned. Of course, it was always the drugs, wasn't it? Now, of course he could easily have them delivered, but where's the fun in that? Why not...mess around with him a little.

Now, now angel cakes, you know that isn't allowed where you live. such a shame, no?

I'll take em at the club.

The response was quite fast, somewhat confusing the other. He knew of Angel's obvious attempts at avoiding him, ones he mostly ignored (there was no way in Hell that Angel Dust would get away easily). So, it did make him wonder what fuckery went down at that princess's Hotel that made the little slut come crawling back to him.

Eager are we~? fine then. you know they aren't free, right baby~?

There was silence for about a minute. Valentino smirked, resting his head in the palm of his hand as he looked at his phone.

K. Omw.

The moth's smirk turned to a devilish grin as he set down his phone, pushing himself up and off of his seat. Perhaps he could make his break slightly longer than expected.


Angel stared at his phone, glaring harshly at the screen. He felt a pit in his stomach, already regretting his decision. For fucks sake, why didn't he just go to sleep and not even text Val? Now he HAD to go to the club or else he'd get fucked over at work tomorrow. That and his little turf war escapades was sure to make Valentino upset. How. Fucking. Lovely.

He shoved down that feeling of dread as he got out of bed and walked to his vanity. Quickly, he touched up his look. Smoothing out the wrinkles in his suit, he stood up straight, then sighed heavily. He grabbed his phone, shoving it down into his interdimensional tit pocket and made his way out.

He stepped into the warm yellow light of the hallway, eyes wandering down the hall to where Alastor's room was located. Oh, the temptation to stroll up to his room and just chat with him was too great. He sighed once more, forcing his gaze away and making his way down the hall. He quickly stepped down the stairs. Once in the lobby, he noticed Husk- awake and...smiling? Now, this he had to investigate. And so, he took a deep breath and put on his usual smirk, sauntering over to the bar cat.

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