Jealousy in the Shadows

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A few days had passed since that whole incident. Charlie had apologized to Angel on Vaggie's behalf, to which the porn star accepted, but things were always tense whenever the two were in the same room. They would simply make awkward eye contact, and mutter stiff hellos before promptly avoiding each other as much as possible. Charlie hated seeing two people she held close to her in the awkward aftermaths of a fight, but Alastor? Oh, it was the most entertaining thing about his day. Sometimes, he would even call for Angel when he knew full well Vaggie was in the room, only to see them both tense up at the sight of each other.

However, this also gave Alastor the chance to study their tells. He noticed that Angel would always fidget with the hem of his skirt when he got nervous, and he would also bring his legs closer together in some attempt to make himself seem smaller. He would also wrap his arms around himself more often as he did so, glancing to the side more than usual.

Oh, Vaggie's? He didn't really study her. Only that she avoided eye contact. There was nothing particularly important about her, really.

It was a new day, and Alastor was in the lobby, reading the local newspaper. It was honestly surprising that they even made these, but as long as he had one, he didn't care. He flipped a page but paused at the feeling of wind whooshing by. The deer looked up to the light, putting his hand under the bulb. He tensed, his smile growing in annoyance.

His shadow was gone.

He set down his newspaper, his staff being summoned out of thin air. Using the staff, the deer stood, seemingly calm. In reality, however?

He. Was. Furious.

The radio host scanned around, his searching bringing him to the bar, where he saw something that made him even angrier.

As Alastor understood, this being was pretty much his darkest thoughts and desires personified into its own little shadow. Along with that though, it still was its own being and had its own mind. Along with having its own mind, it had a semi-physical form to pair. It could be touched, sometimes even heard, if it wanted to. Alastor, however, truly detested it when it did turn into such a form. It was impractical and unnecessary, two things that the Radio Demon didn't need in his afterlife.

So when he saw his shadow, sitting upon a bar stool, he was angry. When he saw that shadow was sitting beside Angel Dust, that made him furious. The worst part?

Angel was laughing.

What right did that disgusting creature have to make him laugh? Angel had no idea what that vile thing was, let alone what it represented. Now it was making him laugh? No, no, this wouldn't do. Not on his watch. Alastor's grip on his staff tightened as he approached the two.

Angel gave a bright laugh at the figure. "That's so corny!" He giggled. The shadow's large smile grew wide as it watched the spider laugh, its shoulders moving up and down as if it was laughing as well.

Alastor took a breath to calm himself, walking towards the two. "Good afternoon, my dear!" he spoke cheerfully, forcing a smile.

Angel turned, smiling at the deer. "Hey Al!" He greeted. At his expression, Alastor's anger was soothed slightly. He adored that smile. "Al your friend 'ere is hilarious!" Angel gestured to the shadow, who looked at Alastor smugly.

The deer grit his teeth as he nodded. "Yes, he's quite the comedian." he forced a happy tone. He glared at the shadow, who simply smirked at him. Alastor growled a it leaned towards angel, whispering something to the spider, who giggled in return.

Alastor was visibly getting annoyed, static slowly becoming more audible in the room. The calm music in the lobby now had a staticky undertone to it. Husk seemed to realize this, his ears perking up at the noise. The cat slowly sat up from behind the bar table, shooting a glare to warn the deer to stop. He didn't seem to catch Husker's glare, though. In the same vein, Angel didn't seem to notice the blook thirsty deer that was growing more agitated by the minute. He set a hand on the shadow's shoulder as he continued to giggle.

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Alastor tugged Angel away from his shadow and it disappeared- and so did they. The two reappeared in Angel's room, right in front of the door. The annoyed Alastor huffed, pulling the spider in for a hug. Angel blinked. He was surprised, sure, but he hugged back. Alastor buried his face in Angel's floof, causing the taller male to chuckle.

"Smiles? Are ya okay?" He asked with a smile. His top two hands patted Alastor's back gently as he slightly tilted his head to look at him. When he got no response, Angel gently lifted the deer's head so that he could see him. "Babe, talk 'ta me. What's wrong?"

Alastor's cheeks turned a shade of red at the nickname, which Angel found adorable. "...I did not like that, Angel." he nearly frowned, his ears drooping against his will.

Angel noticed this, but said nothing. Instead, he raised an eyebrow. "Ya ain't like what, Al?" He asked, gently cupping the other's cheek in his hand.

"The way..." he sighed, leaning into the others touch. He seemed quite embarrassed. "The way it made you look so...happy."

"Awe, Al, were ya jealous of yourself?" he teased with a grin.

"Do not mock me, Angel!" he spat, his tone harsh. He then glanced to the side. "But...I suppose that was the emotion I felt, yes."

Angel smiled softly, breathing a laugh. "You're adorable, babe. But trus' me, if I had to choose between the shadow or the real thing?" Alastor perked up slightly, and Angel looked down at him. "I'd pick you in a heartbeat."

Alastor, despite his calm smile, was very relieved- and delighted- to hear this news. His smile toned-down into one of relief and joy, one Angel had not seen on the deer before. It made his heart race.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Angel." he said quietly, smile unwavering.

Angel's face flushed. "You're welcome, Al." He smiled down at the deer. Alastor hummed in response, leaning back into the hug. Angel wrapped his arms around the deer slowly, making sure the other knew what he was doing. Alator simply rested his head on Angel's chest floof calmly. The arachnid smiled softly, then patted him on the back to get his attention. The deer looked up quizzically. In return, Angel gave a small nod to the bed.

"Angel..." Alastor eyed him warily.

"No, no, Al. Not like that." He smirked. "Unless~?"

Alastor glared. "No."

"Oh, fine fine. Come on, lets get comfy. Besides, I don't wanna be standin' up." He then proceeded to lift Alastor up- much to his surprise- and plopped down on the bed. He smiled once more at Alastor, who was almost asleep. He reached up, patting Alastor on the head.

"It's okay, Smiles. I won't go anywhere."

• ~ Late Night Thoughts - a Radiodust story ~ •Where stories live. Discover now