World on Fire~

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Angel groaned as he sat up. He had a terrible hangover and a roaring headache. He looked around his-wait. This wasn't his room...where was he?

He sat up, scanning his surroundings, frowning as he did so. The walls were a burgundy red, with dark stripes running up and down the wall. The floor was a dark walnut wood with a fuzzy black rug to match the dark bed frame which was a dark red oak, which Angel thought was the perfect shade of red. It reminded him of somebody...

The bedding Angel sat on was...surprisingly comfortable. He could tell the bed wasn't used often, but it was comfortable none-the-less. It had black fitted sheets, topped with a red flat sheet. The comforter he was laying beneath was fluffy and a deeper red with black details. There was only one pillow (which Angel had been laying on prior to sitting up) that had a silky black pillow case. The bed was a canopy bed, so the beams at all four sides held curtains that were securely tied.

Angel looked to his left to see a bookshelf covered in what looked like books on cooking humans, horror, taxidermy and some other colorful novels that were carelessly tucked away. Those did intrigue him, but he decided to wait until he knew where he was before he went snooping around.

To his right was a dark birch night stand, upon which was a lamp and an old timey radio- Angel had recognized it was from the 1920's. Around the middle of the room was a fireplace accompanied by a single person sofa. A small side table was next to it, a book marked book and a monocle resting on top of it. Above the fireplace was...deer head taxidermy. Near the front door was a table that was of the same wood as the night stand. A gramophone laid dormant on said table, along with records for it. Jazz was the most prominent, but he saw some other types of music; electro swing, classical, the like.

Yeah. This was not Angel's room.

He turned his head as the bathroom door opened. He had a feeling of who's room this was by the decorations, but he needed to make sure. Though he knew who would walk out, he still couldn't help but be surprised.

Alastor sauntered over to a full length mirror to look at himself and adjust his bowtie. The spider was unsure if the other saw him sitting with a confused and surprised expression.

"Staring is considered rude, you know!" Alastor said cheerfully, turning to face Angel. His unsettling smile was present on his face as he walked to the table to grab his monocle.

"Yeah - sorry." Angel apologized. He continued to stare anyway.

Though Alastor was...unsettling with his smile, he wasn't unpleasant to look at. His ears stood idly, twitching at sounds every now and then. Alastor himself was standing straight (unlike his sexuality). He wore his usual red pinstripe suit with a white collared button-up shirt underneath. His bowtie sat comfortably around his collar, the strap folded underneath the fold of the collar. He completed this look with black dress pants, black dress shoes and his just-added monocle that sat somewhat magically near his left eye.

"Angel, are you listening to me?" Alastor asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Huh? Oh- uh, yeah! I'm listenin'!" He lied. He obviously wasn't going to admit to Alastor's face that he was admiring his clothing.

"Anywho, after that, I carried you back to the hotel and you..." He trailed off. He was debating whether or not he wanted to tell Angel what had happened the night prior.

His toothy smile did not change, though his eyes showed a hint of concern. His mind wandered back to the night before...

Alastor walked though the quiet halls of the Happy Hotel with a glass of water and a bag of fish-shaped cheesy crackers called "Goldfish". He may or may not have stolen these from the human world after hearing a group of three imps talk about them, but that's besides the point.

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