Xiao Zhan Part 2

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What did he say? Love? Is he alowed to be loved. Does he deserve to be love? they say everyone deserves love. But does it apply to him?

Precious, gift and his everything ... Yibo didn't even think that these words can define him. That it's proper to use these words on him. It was the first time he heard such words yet they fit right in his ears. As if he had heard them for years. As if he had heard them from the same man countless times.

Though Yibo didn't believe those words, the sincerity in them was gluing pieces of his heart together. Healing him.

Unconsciously Yibo took a step forward to that man. With that step the Man did a little gasp as if it was he who took a step back from the death..

" Yes. Yes Love. Yes. Come here. Come to me. "

Another step. The man nodded his head fast. Stretched his arms even wider. The man was still restless. As if nothing would be fine until he holds Yibo in his arms.

Third step. With that Yibo couldn't stop. The desire to live was mightier. He wants to live. He wants to live just another minute so that he could spend it in that man's arms. In that stranger's arms.

Yibo had started to run. Run to his arms.

The man breathed heavy and pleaded even more to come to him.

When their bodies were only an inch apart both of them closed their eyes as if they had finally being saved. As if they have been holding their breaths all this while and now they can finally breath.

Yibo expected the warmth of his arms. He desired for what didn't come.

Yibo opened his eyes and found nothing.

He was not in anyone's arms. No one was there. No one was in front of him. Behind him. To the side of him. No one was on that bridge. Not a one single soul than him. He was alone.

Did he imagine it?

No he didn't. Yibo knows he didn't. Why?

Because imagining someone loving you, imagining some one call you with love, requires a certain ability. An ability Yibo doesn't have.

No matter how much Yibo ran and searched around no one was there. But his words, desperate tone and those eyes that spoke volumes were still there. They still had power over him. They still gave him strength to live another day.

Yibo walked back to his home. He was still shocked. Who was that man?. He called his name. He knew Yibo. Was it someone from his past? Was it someone he had forgotten? A friend? Or family?

But no.. Xiao Zhan had told him he doesn't have anyone else than him. That no one was willing to be his friend and family. Xiao Zhan told him that no one was willing to accept him as their own.

Xiao Zhan told him that only someone like himself, a one with a big heart could accept such a burden.

Then who was that man? And why did he told him that he loves him?

By then Yibo had reached the house. The moment he walked to the house first thing he did was check his phone. A miss call. Shit! He had missed his call. He had missed Xiao Zhan's call.

Xiao Zhan hates it when Yibo is late to answer his calls. And missing his calls?. He must be furious by now. Yibo calls him back knowing he is not going to answer.

Surprisingly Xiao Zhan answered. The moment he said hello Yibo understands he is in a good mood. Regardless of everything he heard hours before Yibo's mind started wondering. Did he worry about me? Was he sorry that he was mean to me?

Xiao Zhan ( English version )Where stories live. Discover now