Xiao Zhan Part 6

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Its 8 pm. That's what says in the clock. In that empty house he could hear the sound of ticking clearly. Yibo sat on the sofa and kept looking at the clock. The other person is late today.

" tuh "

Yibo heard something at the door? Was he here? Yibo hurriedly walked to the door. He didn't even want to wait ten seconds.

He opened the door and found nothing. No one was at door. Only the cold wind.

He is not here yet. Ah.. he is not here it. Ah.. damn it. Why is he not here it? He said he is going come by 8 pm. And its already 8.01. Now that's 60 seconds. 60,000 mili seconds. That's not a small number.

Yibo was about to close the door. But then he heard a sound of a car. And there was he.

A tall man. A fair skinned man with black hair. Man with a mole under his lips. Xiao Zhan, his husband.

The man took long stripes. He made it to the door in few steps. The moment he saw Yibo at the door a big smile came upon his face.

When Yibo moved on to hug him, he hugged him back and kissed his hair.

" Love, Next time wait till I knock on the door. Night wind is too cold sweetheart. I don't want you getting sick. "

" okay " answered Yibo very well knowing he is going to do the same thing the next day. Zhan was tired. Yibo wanted to let him rest. The silly arguments can wait.

They both walked to their room. Zhan takes his clothes off to take a shower. Yibo moves to help him take off his coat.

" It's okay sweetheart. I've been out all day. I am covered with germs. Let me do this. "

" Its fine Zhan. "

This conversation happens everyday. In the end they both meet in half way and Yibo only takes off his tie and watch.

Until he takes a shower Yibo moves on to prepare his dinner. It was his favourite thing of all day.

If you like it, cooking can be the most enjoyable activity in the world. And when you by yourself cooks for someone you love, it can be the happiest memory of your life.

Yibo would always pick out clothes for Xiao Zhan and Xiao Zhan would find them layed down on the bed when he comes out of the shower. But that day Yibo forgot to do that.

So Zhan walks to their wardrobe and opens it. When he looks inside a loud laugh escape his lips. In that morning in the news it was said that Texas in America will have a tornado in the evening. He just didn't think said tornado would find its way into his wardrobe.

In that messy wardrobe in a corner of it there were his work clothes. They were in a complete different condition. They were ironed and hang properly. This produced a beautiful smile on Xiao Zhan's face.

Xiao Zhan is well aware of how much his husband hates folding clothes. So Xiao Zhan moves on to fold the other clothes in the wardrobe.

When Xiao Zhan walks to the dining room Yibo had placed all the dishes on the table.

" mm.. my mouth is watering just for the sight of it " says Xiao Zhan sitting in the table.

Yibo gives a small smile but in his heart he is so excited. He tried few new recipes today. He cannot wait till Zhan tries them.

" mm.. this is good... The soup is thick.. that's really good "

" wow.. now this one is just perfect. "

" sweet good lord... This is so good.. I think I am on heaven "

Xiao Zhan utters these kinds of words every day. But before he starts eating he would always fill Yibo's plate with food first.

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