Xiao Zhan Part 3

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Xiao Zhan doesn't love him? Impossible. It cannot be. Xiao Zhan loves. He is sure. He has said it. Xiao Zhan has said that no one will love him more than Xiao Zhan.

Yibo didn't want to listen to that man anymore. So he ran. He ran back home. To his Xiao Zhan.

He sneaked back to the house, on to the bed and to his corner. He doesn't want to think about it. He wants it to be a dream.

Xiao Zhan had let him know that if Yibo didn't have him he cannot survive. Survive from what? Yibo doesn't know. But Xiao Zhan had let him know that everyday. That Yibo needs Xiao Zhan even if Xiao Zhan doesn't need him.

Xiao Zhan let him know that even if he fell down dead today it wouldn't make a much difference to Xiao Zhan. That he would just do a funeral and forgets about it.

But Xiao Zhan said it would be completly different thing for Yibo. Xiao Zhan said that if Yibo didn't have him he would be nothing. He said this to Yibo countless times making sure he engraved it on Yibo's heart.

So Yibo doesn't want to believe that Zhan didn't love him. For him it would be the end of the world. Most horrible thing that can happen to him.

It is engraved in Yibo's mind that to live, to survive he needs Xiao Zhan with him. So he cannot even imagine surviving without him. It was something impossible.

Yibo feels that if Xiao Zhan was not with him, it would be like his whole existence has vanished with no proof to say someone named Wang Yibo had ever lived.

In the next morning when Yibo was cooking for him , Xiao Zhan had asked him to make a lunch box for him. Enough for two. Yibo didn't dare to ask who was it for. He obeyed and got to work right away.

Xiao Zhan didn't go to work. He was in a good mood today. he grabbed that lunch box and went somewhere. It was no surprise. He would never tell Yibo where he go or when he would come back.

Yibo watched from the door as Xiao Zhan walking away whistling. He took a breath of relief. Its done. Finally. He was gone. This was how Yibo feels everytime Xiao Zhan goes out of the house. It was a relief.

Yibo moves on to his work. Xiao Zhan had left him with many tasks. Starting from washing Xiao Zhans clothes, polishing Xiao Zhan's shoes he had much to do. And he has to get them all done before Xiao Zhan comes home.

Yibo missed lunch that day. He just didn't have time to cook. When he got all the work done it was near 7 pm so he moved on to cook dinner for Xiao Zhan. It took him an hour to make five dishes for him.

Yibo had been standing all day. His feet hurt. And he had gotten a terrible backache. After the breakfast he only had a cup of water. He was extremely tired. He wanted to get out of those clothes drenched with his sweat and take shower. He was going to that when,

" knock knock "

He is here.

Yibo dusted off his clothes trying to be presentable as much as he can. He hurried to open the door. He was too tired to smile but he forced himself anyway.

Xiao Zhan walks in as if the door opened for him automatically and walks to their room. He left his clothes in front of the attached bathroom and went to take a shower.

By then Yibo's backache had gotten worse. He hissed in pain when he had to bend to the ground to pick those clothes up. And when he picked them up something fell out from its pocket.

Yibo freeze on the spot as if his whole world came crushing down.

" A condom "

He doesn't remember how he bend down to pick it up or how long he stood their holding it. Xiao Zhan had already come out.

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