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"Seriously. Who says immortality is impossible? Nothing is impossible, I just have to think and experiment....I am so close. All I need to do is...."

His voice was shaky, along with his white-gloved hands with slender, long fingers. Michael Decello. By any standards, he could be considered a "crazy scientist," with his white lab coat, scuffed-up hair, and intense round, gold-colored glasses. The description was accurate though because he thought in strange ways and rejected many of the good in the world. He concluded in the weirdest ways online and people speculated greatly about his sanity and rejected him as a brilliant scientist. He quickly became known as a joke and any individual would suggest he shouldn't be allowed around scientific equipment for safety reasons. He had still pushed through the internet's hate and criticism to finish his long years of school and steadily rise in power with his genetic experiments. His eyes were a dark shade of piercing, fierce blue, and his hair was light brown and wild.

Most of his time was spent bent over, with his glasses barely staying atop his slightly crooked nose, or sitting down in an old black office chair that had been rolled a little bit too much, as it squeaked every time you switched your position. He spent the largest amount of his expensive time with his wife.

Camila Geomec was Michael's lab partner and she looked about as insane as him, but her personality underneath had no intent of care. She had brown eyes and the same crazy, short light brown hair as her husband but it was slightly more blonde like her mother's. When the love birds first met, they were both hated and bullied in the college they both went to. They were each other's only friends and soon started dating after two years of saving one another from trouble. Camila and Michael married after two years of friendship and two years of dating. They were a dynamic duo and believed they could both change the world for the better. The subjects they disagreed on were few and they shared the most chemistry a couple could at their age.

They had been working on coffee and sugar for the past two days. Their project, they proudly named: "The Importance." The target of their mission was immortality, not for themselves but for a child they wished to have. If it was a girl, she would be named Alexia, if it was a boy, it would be named Liam. The only problem in their way was the immortality part.

Their tests and endless baby steps were very important because it could mean they could acquire a child. Both seriously wanted to simply rest but this idea had kept them up for many tiring hours already. Why not follow through with it? It seemed as never-ending as immortality itself.

The experiments they ran were private, along with the project. They didn't trust anyone other than each other to work with. Any misstep could ruin all of their progress and even though they hadn't known one another for long, they didn't have any other choice.

Michael was very close too, his little sleep and gallons of coffee didn't help his brain work though and he was too tired to continue his work. He was too near the end now though. Everything the scientists did, would lead to another test that they had to run, another subject they had to try, it was an endless pull of opportunity that was sucking them like a vacuum, to their deathbeds.

"I've done it! This should work! It will work! Cam!"

Michael had said that many times, so much, that Camila stopped running up behind him to look over his shoulder to see his recent discovery. The point was, neither of them got excited over much they found anymore because it was simply another factor that led to another factor, another, and another.

The lab they were working in was underground. It was a claustrophobic stuffy place, lit with a bright white light hanging from the ceiling throughout many of the tight hallways throughout the place. The concrete floors were cold and covered in dirt. The white tables scattered around the room were filled with garbage and small shiny tools left randomly by two scattered and overly stressed minds.

Michael was a very nice man, his intentions sweet and pure. He only wanted to heal the world and have a child of his own. The world could use a lot of help at the time but immortality was not the solution. Humans would surely turn on each other when a new aspect of living came into the picture. Many others would pay handsomely for any of their secrets and all of their lab equipment and experiments. Any samples he had currently could be worth around 5 million dollars.


"What Michael? Can't it wait?" Camila groaned, sulking out of her chair into the next room where her husband was hunched over his computer.

This couldn't wait. No. This was it. Michael Decello was about to become the most successful scientist on Earth as if he wasn't already. He would get so much money. They could finally buy anything they wanted. They would be happy, with money.


Michael stared at his computer screen and the magic he had just created.

Camila came rushing over to peer over her husband's shoulder. Her eyes widened as they witnessed what they had just succeeded in doing. This could change the world for the better. But it couldn't heal the world's endless disease.

"This is it, Mike."

"Yes, Cam, with this....we will finally cure society."


No, it would never be as long as greed and power corrupted the minds of every person on Earth. They were only blind with visors concealing their brains. They thought they were doing good but in reality, it was poison.

Man will never be cured.

March 19, 2009

A screaming baby girl with dark vibrant blue eyes lay in her loving mother's arms. She was so small and cute. A beautiful daughter, Camila thought. She would grow up to be the answer. She was important, she was the cure. She was also an experiment, a test, born in a lab way before she came out of her mother's womb. She could never know what she could do. Not even her parents knew enough about her to tell her anything.

Maybe she would inherit the same gentle traits as her mother. She could have her father's light brown hair, she certainly had his eyes. The chances of getting her mother's lighter brown hair were also lurking.

Could she be the cure? Or was she the sickness? The disease.

"Michael?" Camila whimpered through the tears she had already shed as she watched her beautiful baby.

"Yes, honey?" Michael's voice was nearly as emotional as Camila's

"Is this the right thing to do? What if it all comes crashing down on us? What will happen to Alexia?"

Camila's fear and protection for her baby suddenly surfaced when she saw the squirming baby come out of her.

"Everything will be okay. She is the cure, Cam. She will help the world long after we are gone. She just can't be known about yet."

"When will the right time be? Will we tell her?" Camila asked through her few thoughts.

"No," Michael paused as they both thought, and the words he said next shocked Camila. She never fully understood her husband until he said those words and she suddenly regretted every decision she had ever made around him. 

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