The Aftermath

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My phone dings at the sound of a message. I can't believe someone would text me in the middle of the night but....

It's Devland.

His text says:

"Hey. Did you make it back okay? Your parents and I are fine. Had to erase connections."

I add him as a contact before calling him.


"Hey, it's me.....Alexia." My voice is very quiet because I'm not sure if someone is outside my door right now.

"Alexia? Why did you call me?" Devland makes no attempt to quiet his voice.

"Shhh. I need to know everything is really OK."

A pause then a sigh, "I'm fine. Everything with your parents is okay. They have been relocated. Bye."

I slip my phone under my pillow before getting up to grab a drink of water from my bathroom, tiptoeing back into bed after I do so. Sleep doesn't come the rest of the night.

Jane and Peter took me straight to the FBI so that I could be questioned and I am tired of lies right now. Every question they asked me, I lied. Every time they would ask me if I was telling everything I knew, I lied. I hate lying but, it's in human nature to lie.

Why should I be considered a human though?

My thoughts won't leave me alone and I am sick of thinking at this point. They tantalize me with every new question and possibility. I hate it.

What if my parents aren't okay?

I suddenly regret my anger at my two loving family members. They gave life to me, even if that life was full of falsity for a great majority. Even if they didn't have perfect intentions, they both raised me to be the person I am now. I am not a foolproof teenager but, who is these days?

A ding signals another text and I get enthusiastic to see who it is. It isn't Devland this time though.


"I heard you got back okay? How are you holding up?"

I decide not to give him the convenience of responding right at this second.

If he really cared, he would've come to see me.

I smugly set my phone down on top of my covers before hurriedly snatching it back up.

What if he couldn't come, stupid.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Everything has been very hectic lately and I can't seem to get back into the swing of things."


I sigh when I hear another ding emanate from my tranquil device.


"I am very glad you are okay. We were all very worried."

"We were all worried." "I am glad." What am I supposed to think?

Another text comes before I can shut my phone back off.


"You sure?"

About what? If I'm okay?

I have to run the question through my head several times. The more I think about everything I've been through I feel like screaming or yelling as loud as I can.




I really stumped him there. He won't know what to say.


"If I could give you a hug rn, I would. If I could see you smile, that would also be nice because every time you laugh, the whole room seems to brighten up and smile."

My cheeks flush a warm color that spreads to my eyes, infecting me with a sad smile. Another text then comes and it forces me to blush even more.


"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but nothing compared to you."

Is he searching these up? So corny.


"Made ya blush, didn't I?"

I feel my cheeks with the back of my hand to find that they are sweetly warm and getting hotter. Alex must be really tired to be talking to me of all people tonight.

I only respond with a lame, "sure," because it is the only thing I can come up with right now. He did make me blush and now, at least I feel a bit better. Then, "Thanks, Alex." With a smiley face emoji.


"You should get some rest now. I'm sure no one will care how late you sleep in."

I nod as if he could see me through the screen. Laying back, I shut my phone down and stuff it underneath my pillow. I don't want to deal with anything right now. I just want to get my eight hours of sleep.

What's the worst that could happen? I could get in so much trouble. Why not dig the hole deeper?

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