Time to relax

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Okay so now our parents told us . So said Max well I was thinking that we should do something else now like what said Max . We should do more training said Linda no said Max we should relax and have fun maybe you are right said Linda I know I am said Max .

All of his friends cam over his house Max was so happy Nixion Lauren Nicole and John they all were happy they did talk about there training . Then they all said to Nixion just relax ok .

We need a day off we just started an well we did a lot so we deserve this .

Well there parents were there and said that we wanted to tell you but we could not because you guys were going to think that we are crazy no we will never think that mom said Max yup they were happy and wanted to do something . So they told them something that when you guys are all powerful guardians we will give you guys your fourth crystal there will be two more before that they could not wait that is cool said Max .

Well we should get some sleep they all went home .

When they were in there rooms Max was thinking about the fourth crystal and could not wait for it he wanted to have it but he knew he had to wait he wanted ask his parents if he could look at it but he knew that they never would let him do that he was little sad but it was ok . So he thought that who will be the next guardians .

Well he thought when the time will come he will see them he could not wait for all this . He was tired and said when this will happen I hope it will be nice and cool .

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