Final battle is finished

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So when Andre was about to vanish him 1 minute earlier Nixion put a shield on him when Andre said it there was a big explosion and well it was really hard to tell that Nixion was still there . When the smoke cleared away he was not there Max saw it he was worried and did not know what to do . The Only thing left to do was leave and right away so they went this was not fine . Just before they left they saw Nixon they were so happy " how did you not vanish said Andre he was not ok .

Well so you don't know the thing said Nixion what thing said Andre that if you vanish someone they will not because if they just put a shield on them they will be ok . This is not over said Andre I think it is said Nixon crystal put him in a 6 hour sleep the gem did it that was fine .

The fight is now finished they all went they all forgot about Max when they went home then they had remembered they felt so well not fine .

They only thing that was that Andre was vanished and so he is not coming back .

That day Max thought about something that Nixon had told him something about the book of crystal if he had found the book of crystal he just might tell them that he is Max . The rest thought that it might be him but one thing that Max did was that he told the crystal the next day they will not remember that Max was there .

He had no choice .

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