Chapter 1

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Third Person Pov

"So, for how long do you need the place?"

"Um.. for now six months would be great"

"Then it's done, you can go through the contract once more as well as look around the house, if it satisfies you, sign it right there at the bottom"

"Ok Mr. Kim"

"Call me Doyoung, after all we are gonna see each other more often now," the man says, showing a smile. The person whom he's speaking to mirrors his smile.

They both get up from the sofa, Doyoung goes to the kitchen "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yeah water"

"As I already said before, you can look around the house, no need to be shy, this is now your home too"

"Well uh yeah for six months"

"Haha six months is enough," "Since there's another person who's the biggest walking nervous wreck will be living with you, there needs to be someone more comfortable and friendlier person around otherwise you both are gonna flip this house upside down for the worst," Doyoung hands him a glass of water to which Jaehyun mumbles a thanks.

"I assure you that won't happen, I'm very friendly and no one knows how to deal with people better than me, I know he'll like me instantly," the man says with such confidence that Doyoung agrees with his words as well.

"Your confidence is the first reason I trust you"

"And that's a good thing but I wanted to ask how old he is"

"He's 21, four years younger than you, don't worry he can do all his stuff on his own, he won't cause you trouble though he could get a bit clu-"

They hear the door unlocking and a guy smaller than them in height enters quickly taking off his shoes and hanging his coat on the hanger. He takes light steps and his face brightens when he sees his favorite Doyoung hyung, he immediately goes to hug him. Doyoung returns the hug with a big smile, "Look who's here, if not my little bro. They hug for so long that Doyoung's earlier guest clears his throat to indicate his presence. Doyoung lets go of the person who still held him tightly, not until Doyoung taps on his shoulder.

The said person finally lets go and looks at Doyoung not realizing the presence of another one.

Doyoung shuffles to the side and the person whom he just embraced flinches finally seeing the tall guy standing near the sofa. He looks at Doyoung and the tall guy back and forth until he finally stops at Doyoung wanting to get an explanation.

"Jaehyun, this is Renjun, my younger cousin and the owner of this apartment," then he looks at Renjun "And Renjun" he moves his hands and makes gestures that Jaehyun isn't sure what to make of.

"And so you both are gonna live together"

Jaehyun confidently moves towards Renjun and puts a hand in front to greet him but Renjun keeps a tight grasp on Doyoung's shirt and tries to hide from Jaehyun.

Again Jaehyun doesn't know how to take this reaction. Maybe he's super shy, otherwise why would anyone not get close around a face like mine, what Jaehyun thinks.

Again Doyoung does some hand gestures towards Renjun with an angry expression this time. Now Renjun is the one who puts his hand out to greet Jaehyun to which Jaehyun greets back.

I feel like I wasn't told something important, cuz I can't understand what's going on anymore. If those hand motions are what I think it is then.., Jaehyun suspects an important fact has been omitted and his assumption must be correct.

"My little bro, did you forgot manners around people," "Sorry Jaehyun I told you he's a walking nervous wreck and one thing that I didn't tell you before, ..he's deaf," "You can tell by now, can't you"

"Uh.. oh.. But wait you never told me that before"

"There was no need to"

"But he.., how are we gonna communicate then, I don't know sign language"

"Relax, I know you can't but you are the only person I can trust after meeting a long list of other unsuitable people before"

"No, it's gonna be difficult for me and him"

"Oh come on, you guys aren't a newly wed couple," "Just do what you usually do, be busy in your work, you can use the kitchen whenever you want, watch tv, sleep anywhere except his room and take long showers, plus you got all this at such good price and Renjun is a nice guy he won't trouble you, cuz he'll be busy hiding himself," Doyoung mumbles the last sentence "If you still got a problem, you can look for another place"

Jaehyun thinks for a moment.

Then there's Renjun who's busy flapping his hands in between signing to Doyoung.

"I know he's too good looking, you probably won't even dare to look at him, but I can tell he's a good person, you shouldn't worry so much ouch!" Doyoung says while signing while getting hit when he revealed what Renjun thought of the tall guy standing right there in front of them. At this Jaehyun tries to hide his smile.

Jaehyun clears his throat getting Doyoung's attention then Renjun's.

"Since I badly need a place to stay right now, and given the conditions aren't so bad I guess I'll live here for six months"

Doyoung happily hands him the papers.

"Now then by the end of this week, you can shift here, any questions"

"Uhh the house door password"

"Don't worry I'll send that to you, on that note why don't you two also exchange phone numbers, it'll be more convenient to talk through chats"

Doyoung takes Renjun's phone without his permission and hands it to Jaehyun, Renjun swaying to take his phone back stumbles and falls onto Jaehyun, but no worries Jaehyun caught him safely before he could stumble back.

"Again nice to meet you, Renjun"

Renjun can't hear him but he can tell that he called his name in the sweetest voice.

Renjun Renjun Renjun, a voiceless echo in Renjun's head, he grabs his phone back and runs to his room closing it shut.

"Don't worry he runs a lot, mostly from handsome guys, but he doesn't dislike you, I'm sure he likes you"

a/n: A new book finally started yay me!

Regular updates is impossible but I'll write for sure

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