Chapter 15:: Something

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Author's POV: 

You sighed, sitting on the bed. It was almost 5 pm. After a tiring day at the lab, Taehyung dropped you off and you were resting for an hour now.
You smiled a little every time Taehyung popped into your mind. He was in your mind almost all the time. In Seoul, you sort of started forgetting about him with him but he still popped up very often. Once every day—at least. 
But now, this was even more intense. You remembered him all day, everywhere, every time. This was becoming so overbearing. 

God knew how you were going to cope with this. 

A few more days passed over the horizons.

 Exams were over now. The semester final was going to be held in 2 months so you all had some time to prepare. 
Every day was fun. Mina, Jungkook and Taehyung became your closest friends. Except that Taehyung always was—your closest one. You started sharing secrets with them and got theirs in return. They helped you study better and shared past notes and the studies from Seoul already had you ahead. But their help was efficient. You also helped them in return. 
If support and happiness were one word, it'd be your friendship with them.

Currently, you 4 were in a mall, checking out clothes in the shop.

"Y/N, let's go check out that mall. It's near the city area. It's really good!" This was what Mina said on the day before weekends and you agreed. Not like the boys had any choice of disagreeing.
You and Mina kept on trying clothes again and again. You couldn't help but notice Taehyung from time to time. You expected to see him exhausted but no, he looked happy. Every time you came out of the trial room, a new expression coated his face. God, did he know how important and seen he made you feel?
At this point, you were THIS close to kissing him because of your overflowing affection for him which increased with every moment.

But no, that wasn't what was going to happen. 

"Yellow really... suits you," Taehyung spoke, tilting his head as Jungkook hummed. Mina shrugged proudly and commented, "Well, I picked this outfit for her. Good choice, right?"
"Perfect one."
Jungkook gave you and Mina a thumbs up as you chuckled. You felt a little tingly when Taehyung took a few steps closer to you, fixing your messed-up curtain bangs before tucking them behind your ear. Your entire skin jolted with his touch. 
You could feel your back straighten a little but god, you wanted anything but for him to notice this. You were easing up with him more and more with time. 
His touches felt so natural, they felt like a habit. Yet, the butterflies never died. If anything, they increased.

He backed away, you felt him licking his lower lips as he stared at your lips. Was he thinking what you were thinking or were you hallucinating? You were trying to analyze his thoughts but when he leaned in close to your ears, your eyes widened. 
"You look too gorgeous." He whispered. You felt yourself grin and your face was probably even redder than before now. He stepped back and walked to Jungkook, not forgetting to flash a 'Tae-is-very-happy' grin at you. You held your chest, rethinking your life choices. Because what on earth did you do to fall this hard for him?

He was your first love. But you never expected to fall in love with him again. You expected him to be different, for you both to not get along ever again. For you both to be strangers forever this time... a lot of angst was what you imagined when you were on the plane landing in Daegu. But now, you rethought everything again. You never really stopped loving him, you couldn't. 
Maybe you stopped feeling the butterflies at some point when you thought about him after some years but he always resided somewhere in your mind. And it proved that he wasn't someone who was just a passing human in your life. 
He was one of the very few ones who were permanent. Even if not forever, for now, you believed exactly that. 

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