Chapter 17:: Cherish

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Author's POV:

It was a soft kiss at first but slowly, it became more. He tasted like alcohol right now. But you knew, his actual taste would be different. And you were already dying to know that.

You could taste salty tears. Was he crying too? God knew. But if he did, you could've sworn you'd like to die in this very moment.

The taste of the raindrops mixed with the salty tears felt nothing against the heavy emotions that carried the kiss. You felt his feelings in the kiss. You never kissed before. It was just a peck on the lips some middle school students would give each other.
But a kiss like this? Hell no.

As awkward as you felt at first, you glided with him naturally. Your lips moved in perfect sync just as everything about you and him.

You felt Taehyung pulling you closer, causing your bodies to crash against each other harder. One of your hands encircled his neck, pulling him closer. There was no space left between you both.
You played with his short wet hair as he smiled in between the kiss. The way his lips moved in sync with yours was painfully perfect and it hurt.
You missed him so much all this while. It felt crazy. 

You both pulled away, gasping for air. He pressed his forehead on yours, staring right into your eyes. 
"Do you feel my answer?" He asked.
"I feel everything... every answer and question you've asked. My answer's a yes." You said, looking at him with a soft smile. He smiled at you, this time, even more endearingly. Wait, he could be even more endearing? Wow, you just met destruction. 

"It's Tae for you."
He whispered. 
"I want you to call me Tae. Like the way you did that day." You gulped. The day you kissed him was the only time you ever called him by that name, 'Tae'. As much as you wanted to call him by that name, it scared you that it'd be too close. Though nothing you both did wasn't close. 
"I'm..." You hesitated a little, staring at his lips. He leaned in closer, placing a soft kiss on your lips making your heart melt right away. This felt too perfect. 
The rain had stopped by now, leaving everything wet. 
"What are we?" You asked. He looked at you, backing away a little, fixing your wet hair strands. 
"What do you want us to be?" 

"Us..." You spoke.
"We're nothing... but everything." You said as he looked at you with a soft smile, pressing a kiss on your forehead. You could say he had been holding in all these romantic kisses all this while. 
"Y/N, I want to cherish you in the way I want to... and I want us to be us... the way we want to be." He whispered. You smiled, nodding slowly. 
"We're us..." You spoke. 
"Together." He whispered. You rested your head on his chest as he stroked your back smoothly. You looked at the river below the bridge. It was shining in the moonlight now. 
It must've been past dinner time now. Probably 8 or 9? You had no idea nor did you care. You had him, that was all you wanted right now. 

"I really... didn't forget you. Because the kiss that day and today... both are real." You spoke. You felt him smile above your head. You knew he was smiling as he spoke, "I'll cherish you as I've always done. But trust me, you're the one who freed me of these restrictions." 
You asked.
"I'll cherish you in all ways now... well... like this." He spoke, placing a kiss on your lips as you smiled immediately. You'd love this way a little too much, actually.

He smiled at you as you smiled back at him.
"Let's go home. We're about to be grounded."
You said, looking down. He backed away, forwarding his hand as you held it, walking together. He pulled you closer to him, smiling at you. You realized that he always did this. Pulling you closer to him. But you never thought there were huge meanings behind these. Those looked like flirting or the nicest gestures to you that made your heart flutter. But maybe, after all, he also cared for you in a selfless way that you never realized.

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