Commitment to the past

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Your name is Tantru Qnesro, and you are thoroughly marvelled by the disappearance of your most precious belongings. Well, by now, you're more likely panicked.

Your dear wool shirt and parchment have been taken from you about one hour ago, and to put a catastrophic-final-touch bow on your wrapped disaster, your friends have volatilized with the rest. Pshiiiiieeww. Yes, just like that awkward sound you just made.

You have spent all day hearing their voices mockingly coming out of nowhere, and it had pissed you off the moment it started. Now you're just losing your shit, and if that would have been intended to be a joke, it would have been a pretty good one, considering you lost everything of importance. Now it is time to calm down Tantru and concretely search around.

As you do so, the goggdamn mockings continue. Gogg it has the power to aggravate you. If your friends were here right now, you would have smacked their thinkpans in. But they are not here, and that is the whole point of your neglected searches. You return to your respiteblock, in your shared hive it is probably the only place no other than you dare to put feet, to your greater joy. You would not know what to do if this heaven of intimacy would come to be violated by some middle Age low resolution thinkpan troll. What a nightmare it would be. You enter your respiteblock and without having to walk around too much in your perfect disorder directly go to your hushtop, where you begin to troll your friends in hope for an answer. You wonder why you did not think about that earlier.

Lostethnicolor [LE] started pestering YogaPeeps [YP]

LE: Qh my gogg I sweqr when I'll find yQu I will teqr yQur thinkpqn Qff yQur body.

LE: Where hqve yQu been qll dqy lQng qnd where the fuck is my shirt!?? Did yQu tqke it??

[YP]: Oh=oh=oh=maybeeee. =And=what=if=I=did=huh??!!

LE: YQu wQrthless crqp. Thqt's sQ meqn I cqnnQt even believe.

[YP]: he=he=no. actually=we=had=some=fun=today=... =have=you=seen=my=gift=yet??!!

You confusedly look around in your room, but nothing strikes you to be out of place. Well, of course except the pile of suspicious cupcakes that had been dumped in your respiteblock. It was settled, no one ever endeared your personal space, but it did not mean some shitstains could not throw things in by the door. What [..] exactly does everyday of your life with cupcakes. You actually kind of liked their taste, but there was way too much of it for you keep up and eat it all, plus you're not that into food and nutrition. What is even wrong with your friends anyway?! They are so weird and quirky. Well, more than usual. Did they eat some old decayed cupcakes?! Gogg, now you're blaming the cupcakes. Can they be considered your friends anyway all the troubles they keep on dumping around. You have more inorganic things to do than take care of some lost mental health troll. But whatever.

[LE]: MQre cupcqkes?

[YP]: =Touché= C:3

[LE]: I'm sQ dQne in life. Whqt hqve yQu dQne with my things I knQw yQu were the Qne with qvqlQn tQ tqke it.

[YP]: that's=a=secret.

YogaPeeps [YP] blocked LostEthnicolor [LE]

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