2. Becoming A Slave

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The next few hours had been cold and the smell of mold seemed to get more intense by the minute. Viola had no tears left. Her eyes stung, her cheeks were sticky and her eyelids felt heavy.

Her eyes had long adjusted to the darkness of the dungeons. She'd been locked up with most of the female servants.

The head maid, Joan, an elderly lady with a heart of gold and the ability to lead, had been calming down the other maids. She noticed Viola's silence and got up to sit with her. She gently stroked a strand of hair out of her face, giving her a reassuring look. "You have to be strong now, princess." She whispered mustering up a smile that made the sides of her eyes wrinkle.

Something clicked within Viola as she heard those words, making her get up to Joan's surprise. "I am no princess here, Joan. But I appreciate your kind words."

Viola looked at the maids and servants sitting on the ground, some crying, some freezing, some blankly staring into the air.

She could hear the dungeon's guard snoring. "Everyone," Viola started saying as eyes turned to her, "I, I am more than sure that the new King has no intention of taking your lives, and judging by his words I doubt he is the type of man to cause you harm or sell you into slavery."

"You don't know that," one of the maids cowering in the far left corner sobbed.

"I do know. If he wanted everyone dead, you wouldn't still be alive."

"I promise you that all will be well," Viola added sincerely.

Joan got up and placed her hand on Viola's shoulder. "She is right, Ladies. Keep your chin up. We're in this together."

Viola had been right. King Archer had had all the maids and servants brought to the throne room to individually swear their loyalty to him as their new king, in exchange for their jobs back and better payment.

Joan was one of the last women to swear her loyalty and she did. But before turning away she looked at King Archer who sat cross-legged on the throne, watching her from up above the stairs.

"May I ask you something, your highness?" She said bowing deeply.

"There is no need for you to bow before me," Archer said thinking about what to do with the princess for a second before pushing the thought away.

"Go ahead," he said leaning his jaw on his fist.

"What will become of the princess?" The maid's whispers fell silent as all eyes turned to her.

Archer grit his teeth, making his jaw visibly clench. He stared at the elderly woman impatiently.

Joan was known for her direct way of speaking and Archer knew that. "Will you publicly hang her?" Joan asked. "To show the people of this country what a fair King you are?"

A few jaws dropped and subtle gasps could be heard through the massive room.

Joan continued knowing full well that she was walking on thin ice, "To show the people that you are kind and fair to all?"

Malik who was standing on the sidelines, unsheathed his sword, "Do you have a death wish, old hag?!" He spat at her, but the new King raised his hand to silence him.

Archer sat upright, tilting his head as he never took his eyes off the woman. "Well, head maid, out of curiosity, tell me, what would you do?" His voice was calm but threatening.

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